Chapter 22...(p4/4)

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Jack's POV:

In that moment, of our kiss in the lake, I knew that I fell for her again. Every kiss. Every touch. Every second. Every glance I share with Megan, I fall deeper in love with her.

The way I look at her and the way she looks at me is something that we can't waste or throw away.

I also knew in that moment, that nothing will come in our way of our relationship. Of our connection.

This is because in a relationship, there is ups and downs, highs and lows. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. But you have to be strong. It takes time to build the connection in a relationship, it wont just happen over night. The biggest and strongest connection is trust.

It takes time to build.
A second to ruin.
And forever to repair.

Those Instagram quotes have got to me I swear!

Me and Megan will last forever. Because our trust in each other is crazy. We prove this to our selves in the team/trust building exercises  this weekend.

Even though me and Megan already knew how to do it and how to work as a team and how to win but we still had fun.

It wasn't that bad!


"5 and a 6 and a 7 and a 8..." I count, as we practice for tonight's talent show in the woods, Karl's words not mine.

And when I say we, I mean me because Megan won't come and join in because she says 'It's too warm!' Or 'Your doing it wrong!'

Constantly shouting at me. This girl.

"Well come and show me how to do it then!" I shout back with a smirk on my face while wiggling my eyebrows at her while she just stares at me with gross facial expressions as I just laugh at her dirty mind.

"Fine!" She groaned. Finally I thought to myself. She got up lazily from her laying position on a log she found from outside of the tree house tree we currently are near.

She moved my arms into 4th position, mine was in 3rd ( close enough) and then stood in her position in front of me, right in front of me, with her arms in all the positions. From 1st to 5th, she did.

Eventually, she put them in 5th and changed her mind in my arm position  so they were in 2nd.

We put out feet in 5th and just stayed in this position for a bit. Just trying to get used to it.

After a while, and I mean a while, my arms ached and wrapped them around Megan. She smiled and I smiled while she squealed in surprise.

She smiles. I smile.

I bury my head in her hair and my nose instantly enjoyed the sweet scent of her.


She just leaned into my arms and put her tiny hands that fit perfectly into mine on my hands around her waist.

She let out a sigh and said "We're gunna get nowhere like this!"

I chuckled and let her go so we could win this competition as well.


Clapping at the last group that went up in the talent show this night, me and Megan got up for our performance.

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