Chapter 23...

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Megan's POV:

I was woken up from the annoying image for my alarm: the sun. My bed at home has always been my best friend and will forever be my best friend. Even though it's not as comfy as Jack's bed, its still quite comfy.

Groaning, I got myself ready for the day with my family. I did my normal routine and slipped on some black skinny jeans, a grey crop top and white convearse from my old wardrobe that still fit me.

Satisfied with myself, I skipped down the stairs to be greeted by my mam.

"Morning darls!" She said with a small smile, as I walked into the kitchen to grab breakfast.

My mam has been my best friend for forever. Even though she is my adopted mam I don't care. It doesn't take blood to be family  I always say. Just like me and Beth. My mam has payed for all my dance classes and shows and exams and I couldn't be more grateful. Sometimes I wish there is a way I could pay her back some how but I get no ideas. She has always been there for me when I needed her the most.

"Morning mam!" I replied. "When's Adam and Callum coming?"


"Can't wait to see them again"

Adam and Callum are my older brothers. They both live in Hull just at the other side of it. Adam's 29 and lives with his wife and daughter, Olivia. Callum's 26 and lives with his wife and twins: Grace and Dylan.

My brothers are, again, my adopted brothers but they have stood up for me and beat some people up for me just like brothers should. They are amazing and both support my dancing. They help me pay for university and I couldn't be more grateful to them for that.

Knock, knock!

Speaking if the devil's

The twins ran up to me and squeezed my legs in a hug.

So cute!!

"Hey Gracey! Hey dyly!" I greeted the 4 year olds by there nickname.

"Hiya auntie Megan!" They say in unison.


"Hey Callum!" I say, as I pull him into a hug.

"Hey little sis how's your dancing going?" He asks.

"Hard work as always but good, I have THE competition soon! I can't wait for it!" I reply with a big smile.

My family is the people who mean the world to me so I spend as much time with them as possible.

I'm surprised they don't get annoyed with me for talking so much.

I hugged and greeted Callum's wife, Jessica and talked with her for a while until there was another knock on the door, meaning Adam is here.

When he walked in the now crowded house, I instantly hugged him and he copied my actions.

"Hey little sis!" He said as we pulled apart.

"Hey big bro!" I mocked, laughing slightly.

We talked about the competition coming up and how his job is going.

I suddenly had just realized that someone is missing.

"Where's Olivia?" I asked him about his 7 year old daughter.

He shouted of her and she came straight away.

We pulled each other into a hug and I laughed as she was nearly as tall as me.

Note to self: Grow a bit!


The past couple of days have been great with my family.

Today Jack is coming to stay at my house and I can introduce him to my family.

I know what your thinking ' Megan he only lives 15 mins away and shouldn't your parents already know him?'

And the answer to your question is no.

I have never told them about the way he used on bully me.

It's a good job really because I don't think my over protective brothers will allow him to be my boyfriend.

When I get a text from Jack saying he's on his way, an automatic smile spreads on my face.

I haven't seen him in 2 days, okay?

When I answered the door to come face to face with him, my smile grew wider and I jumped in his arms to be given a warm hug. He obviously hugged me back but twice as tight as normal causing me nearly to stop breathing.

"Hey princess I missed u!" He said in my hair as we still hug.

"I missed u too! I'm glad your here now!"

"Not going anywhere!" He chuckled causing me to chuckle.

We hug for a bit longer and when we pulled apart, Jack pulled me in for a loving kiss that I have definitely missed in these couple of days.

When we walk into the house hand-in-hand, I bring him to the living room were everyone is.

"Guys this is Jack, Jack this is..." I say everyone's names as I introduce Jack to my family. My brothers give him a hand shake and the rest give him and polite wave, greeting each other.

For the rest of the day we just talked and watched movies just enjoying each others presences.

When it came to the night, me and Jack had just gotten into my bed and I was dying to ask him the question.

"So...........what do u think of them?" I ask, kind of nervous.

"There nice and the kids are cute!" He answered, generally.

"Good! Night babe!"

"Night princess!" We quickly kissed and I turned over once we pulled apart.

Automatically, Jack's arm was around my waist and I leaned into his touch just before darkness over took me I thought about today.

Today went........ well I think.


Hello my geeks!

How you doing?

I just realised that I say greet or greeted a lot in this chapter.
Oh well. Lots of people greet in this chapter.

Sorry it's short.

Now you know how she asks with her family.

What do ya think Jack really thinks of them?

Maybe he generally thinks there nice?

Maybe he doesn't really care?

What do ya think is going to happen next?

The next chapter is Christmas day by the way. With gifts and food and LOTS more.

I hope you liked.

Don't forget to vote and comment.


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