Chapter 3...

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After unpacking all my things in my room, I start and clean up the other messy rooms.

Suddenly a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. I was going to scream but then realized who it was.

I lifted my leg up and kicked him straight to were the sun doesn't shine. No one cuddles me and gets away with it.

Jack moans and groans and curses under his breath. "God woman! What did you do that for?"

That's it.

"What did I do that for? What did you do that for? You can't just bully me for years, make me live with u and than try and cuddle me. Nah nah nah. No one gets away with that. Especially after I have a boyfriend..." I rant about how you can't do that to a girl and get away with it. About bullying me and other stuff. After a while I stop because Jack gets up and stands really close to me. Too close for my liking so I step back.

And of course there's a wall there.

"Wait. You have a boyfriend?" He asks, slightly confused. I do have a boyfriend: Cole Read. He's got short messy blonde hair and big blue eyes. He's gorgeous and my prince. He doesn't dance so he doesn't go here. He goes to Oxford university to study doctor stuff. I don't really know to be honest. We have been dating for 2 years and still going strong. He helps me out with my dance and understands what it means to me. He comes to every dance competition I enter and always inspires me. He is quite popular but that doesn't bother him. Or me. We both know we love each other and can do the long distance thing. It's hard but we're strong.

"Yes I have a boyfriend. Why do you care?" I say, even more confused than him.


"Cole Read"

"Oh him. The real nerdy one that goes to Oxford?"

Oh no he didn't!!!

"Cole is not nerdy. He is well educated and wants to help people and become a doctor.." I start my rant but Jack comes closer to me. And puts his finger up on my lips so I stop talking. My heart beat is in my ears and my breathing is quickening up.

What's happening to me?

"I asked you one simple question and you go on and on. You got to learn to stop talking after a while. Okay?"

I push him off me and go back to cleaning up and mutter a "Whatever" under my breath.

In the corner of my eye, I can see Jack picking up a bin liner and starts to put some pizza boxes in it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, very confused now.

"Helping" He said.

"Well I don't need your help. If you do this, than it will look even worse than it all ready did. Just go back to whatever you were doing." I reply, stubbornly. I know, I know. I'm really stubborn. And I know your all like 'But Megan he's only trying to help'

Well I don't want him to help me because I hate him and I don't want to be near him.

He doesn't say anything and just carries on picking up cans of energy drinks and other fizzy drinks around. Leaving me really confused and stressed out because it's silent.

I hate silence. Like how can you stay in silence? I got bored after like 5 seconds. It annoys me a lot.

After what feels like centres of complete silence. I groan and start humming to my favourite song - Photograph by Ed Sheran.

It's my favourite song because it has so much meaning to it. And I love meaningful songs. It gives me ideas on song choices to dance to in contemporary. Yep that's right I don't just do ballet. I do ballet, contemporary, modern and Jazz. And I have since I was 5 years old when I started to dance.

Apparently everyone loves this song because after a while Jack starts humming it too.

Just when I thought it couldn't get weirder he starts to sing the lyrics.

"Coz we make these memory's for our self's. When our eyes are never closen. Our hearts are never broken. When times forever frozen still." He sings at the top of his lungs while using a sweeping brush as a mike.

I chuckle at his childish behaviour and he throws me the TV remote asking me to sing the next line.

I catch the remote and sing the lyrics. "So you can keep me. Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans. Holding me closer till our eyes meet."

We sing at the top of our lungs together in unison while dancing around the dorm. "You won't ever feel alone. Wait for me to come home. Wait for me to come home. Wait for me to cooommmeee!!!"

Maybe, just maybe it won't be that bad living here.


Hey geeks!

Hope you like! I got my little sister to read it and I asked her what she thought about it and she said that it's rubbish! 😂😂

Oh well!

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