Chapter 24...

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Megan's POV:

Today is officially the day where I can let loose, sing at the top of my lungs and dance my heart out.

Yup, you guessed it:


Christmas has always been my favourite time of the year. Mostly because I get to see everyone I love in 1 day laughing and enjoying themselves but also I get to eat lots of food without coach yelling at us saying that we need to stick to the diet.

I woke up randomly and glanced at the time: 8:48. This means that I can wake everyone else up.

I get out of bed and go to my wardrobe and do the same thing that I do every year since I moved here.

I woke my brothers up too because they always do this with me.

We go in the hall way at the top of the stairs with the equipment we need.

"Ready!?" I ask them.

"Ready!" They say in unison.

Together we count down from 3 and blow our air horn to the loudest it can go.

Instantly, mam ran into the hall way groaning, knowing that this tradition is never going to end.

"I'm up, I'm up!" She groans, while leaning on the wall.

Everyone else walks into the hall way shortly after.

Me, Adam and Callum just laugh at them.

We all walk down the stairs and when we see the Christmas tree full of gifts underneath, all our jaws drop to the floor except from Jack's who was smiling at me.

Many conclusions jump in my mind thinking why he would buy so many gifts for everyone. Especially with the fact that they just met yesterday.

I turned to him and gave him a massive hug.

"How!?" I asked.

He just shrugged and told everyone to dig into opening them.

The kids did and we watched them opening them,  laughing when they get something that they have been wanting for ages.

Soon enough it was my turn to open my gifts and Jack gave me one and said it's from him.

The small square box was covered in dark purple wrapping paper with a light purple bow around it.

Cautiously, I slowly undid the bow and unwrapped the wrapping paper.

I opened the box and came face to face with the most adorable ballet music box.

I opened the box and came face to face with the most adorable ballet music box

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I stared at the Ballerina in the music box going around and around. I turned to look at Jack a notice he's staring at a bracelet on his wrist.

 I turned to look at Jack a notice he's staring at a bracelet on his wrist

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He then looks and me and points to the music box. I furrow my eyebrows but does as he says and take out the matching bracelet. (Doesn't really match but imagine it does 😂😂)

Right now, in this moment I am completely speechless

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Right now, in this moment I am completely speechless.

Jack Peacock made Megan Forest speechless.

I am absolutely lost of words.

I just stare at it.

And stare.

And stare.

What brought me back to my senses was when Jack took it from my hands and put it on my wrist.

And then I just hugged him so tight.

I whispered thankyou over and over in his ear and he just laughed at me.

He's actually amazing.


This afternoon has been filled with love and laughter from everyone and I couldn't be happier.

We have just had dinner and I was about to go into the kitchen but stopped at the door when I heard my brothers talking about a certain someone I love.

"Does he really think buying all those gifts make us forget about what he did to Megs!?" I heard Adam say.

"I know right like who the hell does he think he is trying to make us forget!? As If!" Callum scoffed as he replied.

I couldn't believe what i was hearing. My eye sight was blurry from tears. Not tears of sadness, tears of anger and disappointed towards my brothers.

I walked into the kitchen from behind the door and pointed my finger at them.

It's time for my rant.

I can't remember the last time I had one.

"What are talking about? How could you think such a thing? Jack is amazing and always been there for me. Just because he said some names to tease when we were little doesn't mean that he's a bad person. Those names he's called me in the past have only pushed me to work harder. And look were I am now. In the best dance school in the world and about to enter the best ballerina  competition. I can't believe you would say stuff like this behind his back. Behind my back..." I ranted and ranted at them to the point were everyone was in the kitchen staring at the scene in front of them.

I could have gone on and on for years on end about it but I stopped when a simple touch on my shoulder from my boyfriend. I stared at him with my teary eyes and just hugged him like I never wanted to let go. He did the same.

"I think it's best if you go!" My mam said to my brothers. She said it to them because they live in Hull and me and Jack have to stay here.

"I'm sorry megs!" Callum whispered to me as he walked by to get his things to leave.

I was still in Jack's arms laying on his chest to calm my self down.

"Yeah I'm sorry too Megs!" I heard Adam say before both of them left with there family.

I stayed in the kitchen with Jack for a while. I just thought about what I said to Adam and Callum. If I was too harsh or not. But every word I said I meant it.

He did push me to work harder and I'm glad he said those things to me because without that happening I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Hey geeks.

What do ya think?

I think that Jack is so cute for the bracelets!

Do ya think her brothers are right?

Or do ya think they shouldn't of said that at all?

Do ya think she was to harsh?

What do ya think of their bracelets?

I hope you liked.

Will update soon.

Don't forget to vote and comment.


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