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Jack's POV:

I transferred my weight from one foot to another as me and Megan waited on the side of the stage.

Basically, my nerves kicked in and now I'm gigging around.

"Hey, we're gunna do this, okay?" Megan reassured me. I just nodded, afraid that if I opened my mouth, no words will come out.

We are currently waiting for the show to start, so me and Megan can hurry up out of here because it's starting to creep me out because of its oldness.

The walls, floors and stairs creak at every touch and it's so frightening.

"Welcome onto the stage..." the announcer starts. "2017 Best Ballerinas..." He pauses and moves his arm to the direction of the wings were we are. "Megan and Jack!"

The audience cheers and I know that every single one of my friends are apart of it.

Including the team and everyone else in The Royal Ballet, obviously.

Megan drags me onto stage and when we're in the position, I forget everything.

I forget that there is millions of people watching us, not even including this is on national TV.

I forget the nerves and jungle in my stomach.

I forget the dance that me and Megan have rehearsed a million times before today.

But my body doesn't forget the dance obviously.

I just try to stare into Megan's eyes that I get lost into every time I look in them;however, in our starting position, I'm staring at the back of her head.

We dance the dance that is made for us, that shows our real potential and chemistry together.

But obviously it has our twist on it.

Play now!


"Omg, omg, omg! That was so good!" Megan cries when we get to our dressing room back stage.

This is all she has said for the past 5 minutes. As soon as we got off the stage, Megan's mouth hasn't shut!

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think it has shut since she could talk!

I imediently go to the dressing table and take off the stage makeup.

Worse thing about shows, even boys have to wear stage makeup.

So annoying!

"I can't believe we actually did that! Is this real, Jack? Are am I dreaming? Of course I'm dreaming, I can't be one of the 2017 Best Ballerinas! That's only in my dreams and dreams don't come true..." Megan ranted to herself.

I think she was talking to me, but sometimes I really don't know.

"Ouch!" She reacted when I chucked a towel at her.

"Megan you need to stop ranting to yourself, it's so creepy, especially in this building," A chill goes down my spine when I mention the building. "Yes! We just did that. No, your not dreaming and guess what?"

"What?" She says and sits next to me at the dressing table next to me, which I just laugh at and drag her into my knee.

"Dreams do come true!"


It's really short sorry!

I hope you liked.

If I'm doing a sequel, then I'll put information about it on here soon.

What do ya think of the bonus chapter?

What do ya think of the dance?

Cute Mack moment, am I right?

Why do ya think Megan rants to herself?

Don't forget to vote and comment.


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