Kian Lawley Imagine

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Dark Horse :

Kian's POV••

I can't believe I was here.
But I am.
I'm at a frat party.

The party is crowded. There are people smoking, others drinking, others dancing and others doing stuff I hope they won't regret.

I was sitting on the small crowded leather couch, sitting next to this dude who was close to throwing up. I squished in further to the couch, but it still wasn't far enough. I got up from the crowded seat and stood in an empty corner. I can't believe I agreed to coming to a party like this.

"It would be fun." they said.

Well guess what. There is nothing fun about people dancing like an ostrich on the dance floor and killing their kidneys while you're standing at a corner, your eyes burning from smoke and coughing. I was about to leave when I got pushed and kept on being pushed until I was pushed in the middle of the dance floor. I landed a few feet away from the DJ and saw this flash of blue hair. For some reason, the blue paradise hair caught my attention.

I got up and made my way over to her. She was wearing a white with bright red lipstick that matched her high heels. I finally managed to build up the courage to ask her to dance. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to me.

"Wanna dance?" I asked her.

"Lets." she replied turning to face me.

She had gray bambi eyes and a small eyebrow piercing. She just smiled turning back around and moved to the beat of the song, wrapping her hands around my hands.

I turned her around and smiled at her and noticed a little thing on her wrist. Pulling it up I saw that it was a tattoo of a horse. In the light of the police sirens the tattoo was barely visible.

Wait...police light? And police sirens?

"The cops are here!" I heard someone scream and everyone started screaming and running. I looked around and couldn't find the blue paradise hair girl with gray eyes. I looked around before I heard someone break down the door yelling,

"Freeze! It's the police."

I took that as my sign to start running. I ran out the back door but heard someone coming after me. I ran out the door into the woods. I hid behind a big oak tree, trying to make myself as small as possible. I heard the cops talking and then I heard a twig snap. I took in a sharp breath and looked where the sound came from. Relief washed over me when I saw the blue paradise hair girl. She held a finger to her lips, grabbed my hand and started running.

"There they go!" we heard someone yell and we started running faster in the cold December air. We heard a gun shot and and another and another. On the 4th one the blue paradise hair girl fell down. She was shot.

"Come on." I said and she hissed in pain as I carried her bridal style.

"Freeze!" I heard someone yell dangerously close.

I ran faster and saw an old tool shed ahead. I ran faster, trying not to trip on my own feet and reached the shed. I placed her on the dirty ground and I started panicking but then stopped when I smelled bleach. I turned around and saw her pouring bleach on the floor.

"what are you doing?" I asked taking the bleach jar away from her, but it was already empty.

"so the guard dogs won't smell us." she said and sat up cursing.

"Here, let me see." I told her and bent down.

The bullet was just above the knee. It was bleeding and dark red blood was oozing out of it. She was losing too much blood. I started looking around the shed until I found a small pocket knife. I noticed she had her purse with her. I looked through it and found the thing I was looking for.

A pair of tweezers.

"Here," I said giving her my belt.

"Bite down on this when you wanna scream." I said placing the belt in her mouth. She was much more pale than before, and beads of sweat were running down her face. I took a deep breath and started giving her surgery. I took the pocket knife and the tweezers, trying to get the bullet out. Her screams came out muffled because of the belt.

"It's gonna be alright." I told her and kept on trying to take out the bullet until I finally succeeded.

I took off my shirt and ripped it in strips and tied 3 strips tightly around the wound. She passed out but she was still breathing. I waited a few minutes to hear for any footsteps or walkie talkies or cops but all you could hear was plain silence. I opened the door and carried her out of the shed, down the road.

I was walking down the street at 5 in the morning, shirtless with a girl who has blue paradise hair.

My life has completely turned upside down all because of one dance with the dark horse.

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