Kian Lawley Imagine

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Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Haven't Been Caught:

Kian's POV••

I sat there, tapping on the chair's arm rest, earning a dirty look from the secretary. After spending half of my highschool year here, you think she would've warmed up to me already.

"Hey, yo Nancy, when will Arnold see me?" I asked her, purposefully using her first name.

"Mrs.Gray," she corrected me, even though it was no use. I was about to say something when someone came in. She pushed her glasses up, her hair in a ponytail and she held her books close up to her chest, as if she was afraid that someone would take them. She was one of those annoying smart people who always answer the question in class and doesn't even give you a second to think before she's already answering the question.

"Ah, Miss.Y/L/N, you have finally arrived." she said smiling at her. I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"Mr.Price is ready to see you two." she said shooting me a glare. I laughed and winked at her, causing her to make a face of disgust.

"Sup Arnold." I said arriving to his office, sitting down in one of the red chairs and propped up my feet on his desk. He didn't say anything because he knew it was no use. I sat back, a smug smile on my face. I heard quiet footsteps behind me and then the geek sat in the chair next to me and smoothed out the wrinkles from her khaki skirt.

"So why am I here again?" I asked and picked at my nails.

"So I bet you two are wondering why you're here," he started

"I literally just asked that." I said with an annoyed tone.

"Mr.Lawley, your grades are extremely low that you'll fail senior year and have to repeat and you will not be able to graduate this year." when I heard this I sat up straight, putting my feet on floor and looking at him with disbelief.

"What? I can't fail senior year!" I exclaimed, "I hate this school enough and being here another year will be torture!" He held his hand up, signaling me to be quiet. I sat back, clenching my jaw.

"Miss.Y/L/N, your grades are incredible, they are above and beyond. So you will tutor Mr.Lawly here for the next couple of weeks." he said motioning to me.

"What's in it for me? What do I get out of this?" I looked at her in surprise because I thought she would just agree because the principal told her to, not because she wanted to.

"You'll get the extra credits to graduate and I'll write that recommendation letter you've been begging me to write since the first day of school." he offered. She thought for a minute, her eyes flicking from me to Mr.Price to her books.

"Fine." she agreed. Arnold smiled with pleasure and slid her a paper.

"This is what Mr.Lawley is failing. Mr.Lawley will be making up all the missing assignments and fail tests from the past in order to raise his grades. Also if he doesn't pass his test given you will not get the credits or the letter." he said.

"That's not fair! It's not my fault he's challenged in education!" she exclaimed, abruptly standing up.

"I'm sorry Miss.Y/L/N but life isn't fair." said Arnold

She just nodded and walked out the door, not saying another word. I looked at Arnold and he just shrugged. I rolled my eyes, and walked out his office, not bothering to close the door. When I arrived to the waiting room, the geek was there.

"4. Your house." was all she said before leaving me standing there confused

Around 4, I heard a knock on my door. Not bothering to check who it was, I opened the door and there she was, a backpack slung over her shoulder. She didn't wait for me to invite me in because she pushed pass me and into the my living room.

"Come in." I said and closed the door behind me. She was on the couch, unzipping her backpack. I took a seat next to her, and she handed me a math book. I groaned and pushed it away like it was some rotten disease. She took out two journals and gave me one.

"Okay," she started and opened the math book, "if the height of the cone is 6 and the radius is 8, what would the volume be?" she said before looking at me. I looked at her as if she just spoke Chinese to me. She sighed and put down her book,

"What would be the formula to find the volume of a cone?" she asked, speaking to me as if I was 5. I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. And that's how we spent the next 53 minutes. She explaining me the formulas and which one goes to which shape while I zoned out or lost interest.

Around 5, she started packing up while I stared at the work we did. When I looked up again, she was no longer wearing an old lady skirt, now she was wearing dark skinny jeans and instead of a cardigan, she was shirtless. I looked at her, wide eyed as she pulled out a crop top. She took off her prep shoes and took out turquoise wedges that matched her shirt and a black leather jacket. She took out the hair band that held the pony tail and long curls fell down her back.

"What?" she finally asked, while she put on something, mascara probably.

"How?" was all I managed to say.

She applied some pink lipstick, puckered her lips and went over to my back door, smiled and said

"Forget what you thought cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."


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