Connor Franta Imagine

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Your POV••

It started as a gentle drizzle. I sat at the window curling my knees up to my chest and resting my forehead on the cold window, replaying the events that happened earlier that day. A small raindrop ran down the window and the rain was full on down pour, the weather matching my mood. Part of me wanted to curl up in a ball in my bed and disappear but the other half of me was worried about Connor. It has been 4 hours and he hasn't come back yet since the fight.


He came in and I was finishing my paper I had to complete for a class. I didn't hear him at first until I heard a crash coming from downstairs. I looked up from my laptop and stayed still until I heard another crash followed by a string of curse words. I grabbed one of my field hockey sticks and tip toed downstairs. I heard another curse word but recognized the voice of the intruder. I let the stick fall to my side and walked into the living room to find two lamps smashed into tiny pieces along with other photo frames. I looked up from the disaster and saw Connor standing in the middle of the living room, his fist balled up by his side and slightly bleeding.

"Connor," I said quietly and walked over to him, grabbing his hand.

"What happened?" I asked running my thumb over his knuckles. He slightly flinched at my touch but didn't pull away.

"Nothing." He muttered, his focus on the disaster he had made. It wasn't until after that I noticed he has a busted lip and a bruise forming on his left cheek.

"Connor, what happened?" I asked repeating the question. What came next was something I didn't expect. He pushed me up against a wall, holding both my wrist in his hands.

"You wanna know what happened? I loved you. I fell in love with you and thought you loved me too. I loved you since the minute I saw you, it was love at first sight. For days, weeks, months, you lead me on, convincing me that you loved me. But all you did was play with my heart." he stopped and looked at the floor again.

"Connor, what are you-" but he cut me off.

"Don't act miss innocent on me." he said, his eyes starting to water

"Was it fun y/n? was it? Was it fun to play with my heart? What your goal to break me? Because if it was than congratulations. You won." he said taking in a deep breath.

"Who told you this?" I whispered.

"You should know. You've been running around with him behind my back." he bitterly laughed

"I-I don't know." I whispered looking at him.

"Mike told me everything. All the midnight strolls and how he would come over when I was gone, how you guys slept in the same bed and everything you did." he whispered not looking my way.

"Mike told you? Connor you actually believe Mike? Mike has always been jealous of what we had. Why would you believe him?" I asked trying to break from his grip.
He ignored my question and avoided eye contact.

"Connor, why would you believe him?" I asked more sternly now.

"Does he have proof? Did he show you any pictures or videos? Did he forget to tell you I only love you and only you? It has always been you and always been you? Did he tell you that?"

"Why did you do it?" he replied

"Because I didn't do anything!" I finally yelled snapping at him.

"If you don't believe me get out. Just get out. Since I'm the one who broke your heart and toyed with it then leave." I said finally releasing from his grip. He hesitated before he walked out, slamming the door behind him.

-End Of Flashback-

New tears ran down my face as I replayed the scenes over and over again. The sharp shards are still on the floor and the small pitter patter of the rain turned into full out thunder storm. The wind was whipping against the window, the raindrops the size of dimes. Every minute that passed by was every minute that made me worry more about him. It has been 5 hours now and he hasn't came back. He probably never will. I sighed and wiped away the never ending tears.

"Cause it's you, wherever you are." I quietly said and let a tear roll down my cheek onto the floor. I sat their crying until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"I love you too." he said over the loudness of the thunderstorm. I turned around and saw him dripping wet, his blond hair wet and sticking in different directions, his bruise a little more clearer. The storm outside was starting to ease up and it ended just like how it began, a small drizzle at first until it stopped and the sun came out.

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