Our2ndLife Imagine

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A/N: wow hihi this kinda sucks but this is a lil bit into the future and the guys are babysitting and disaster happen ok.

Babysitting Gone Wrong••

"Kian what did you do?" Connor yelled throughout the house, running after small toddlers with multicolored hair.

"I thought it would be funny," Kian said picking up one of the toddlers and rubbing in the color even more.

"Funny? Jc is going to kill me! You colored the hair of his children!" Connor exclaimed, and another small toddler ran around him to where Trevor was observing at the couch.

"Oh c'mon, it's kinda cute," Trevor laughed and picked up the toddler.

"Yeah, it'll also be cute when Jc blows his lid," Ricky added.

"Hey it could be worse," Kian reasoned with the guys, "I could've drawn tattoos on them with a marker."

Jc had left the guys to babysit his 4 children while he went out on a date with the Misses.
Trevor and Ricky and Connor agreed to do it without pay, Sam only said yes because Jc would pay him and Kian took a lot of persuading and maybe even some begging.

"Why do you need 5 guys to babysit 4 kids?" Sam had asked when he took the 7 month old baby from Jc's arm.

"You'll see," Jc responded.

Now all the boys knew what he meant. Connor was freaking out, promising and swearing that he'll adopt or he'd never have children. Kian wasn't much help, actually he kinda added more to the disaster among the kids. Trevor and Ricky helped with feeding them and entertaining but when it came to diapers, Connor was all on his own.

While Connor, Kian, Ricky and Trevor took care of the 3 toddlers, Sam took care of the baby and it wasn't what he expected.

He had thought that the baby would only cry and poop and sleep, which wasn't completely true. The baby didn't cry, instead the baby giggled and laughed and smiled at Sam. And when the baby did cry it was because it was tired or hungry or it had done business, in which Sam would take the baby to Connor.

"Seriously, you guys won't be able to handle your own kids one day," Connor muttered as he changed the baby.

"It's okay, you'll be the nanny," Sam joked as he rocked the baby in his arms, earning small smiles and giggles.

"Like hell," Connor responded, "next time Jc can take his kids along to their date."

"Hey don't curse in front of children!" Kian yelled across the room as Jc's 4 year old daughter applied liquid eyeliner to Kian's eyes. The small girl wasn't really too careful about applying the eyeliner because she accidentally poked Kian's eye with the wand.

"Fuck!" Kian yelled and stood up quickly, "shit this fucking hurts!"

"Kian?" The little girl asked innocently and crossed over to Kian. She hugged one of his legs and rubbed it as if that is where it hurt.

"I'm sorry," She apologized.

"Ah, it's ok." Kian muttered and patted her pink and green hair.

"Connor drive me to the ER!" He yelled, uncovering his eye with his hand.

"Kian chill," Connor assured, "that happened to my sister once. Just flush your eye."

"Flush my eye? How am I suppose to take my eye out of my eye socket and flush it down the toilet!" Kian exclaimed, feeling the burn in his eye smooth out slightly.

"No you moron!" Ricky yelled, "he means go wash your eye!"

Kian muttered a string of curse words under his breath and walked through a pile of toys to the bathroom.

"Fuck," a small voice said. In that moment Trevor, Connor and Ricky all shot their heads in the direction of where the voice came from.

There stood Jc's 2nd youngest child. The 2 year old was standing innocently by the kitchen doorway, looking at the guys.

"Fuck," he repeated.

"Jc is going to kill us." Connor whispered, covering his face with his hands.

"I'm fine with that," Sam announced as he descended the stairs, "because you can't babysit when you're dead."
When he reached the last step, a big, wet yellow spot was on his white shirt, and he was holding the baby from arms length.

"What happened?" Trevor asked, trying to suppress his laughs.

"It peed," Sam bluntly stated before crossing over to Ricky and handing him the baby.

"If Jc asks, tell him that his children literally drove me away," and with that Sam walked out the door, now only have 3 guys, plus and injured guy babysitting 4 kids.

The guys didn't mind but Kian did. When he came out he wasn't very happy on how red his eye was. He also wasn't very happy when he found out that Sam got to leave but he was forced to watch miniature devil people.

When Jc came home, he wasn't surprised to what he came home to. Connor was trying to pry off the black sharpie off of one of the kids hands. Ricky and Trevor were watching My Little Pony, without the kids, and Kian was being hit with swimming noodles as he starred at the wall, mentally counting the seconds until Jc were to come home.

When Jc came home, all the guys went out running of the house, except for Kian who crossed over to Jc and held out his hand. Jc took out his wallet and handed him 20 bucks. Kian looked at the money and back at Jc before taking Jc's wallet and handing the 20 back to him.

"It's a disaster," Jc acknowledged.

"Just like old times," Kian added and left Jc behind to clean up the mess.

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