Connor Franta Imagine

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The Only Reason:

Your POV••

I huffed and sat down on one of the chairs at the long table.

"I can't believe they still do this." I muttered looking around the room. Girls were wearing silk gowns or puffy dresses like the style they had in the 1800's with masks that were covered with feathers or jewels or both and guys wearing tux and had their own masks as well. I didn't want to participate in this but my mother being the mother she is forced me into a black gown that was paired with blood red pumps and a mask that was the same color as the shoes with black lace trimming.

"Y/N!" my mother yelled as she walked over to me.

"Why are you sitting? Go and mingle and talk to people. You can't sit here all night." she said grabbing a glass of champagne and handing it to me.

"Yes I can." I said and gave the champagne to a passing waiter.

"Y/N." she warned and handed me red wine this time. I sighed and got up to settle the drink at a table when something caught my sight. It was a guy in a black suit and his mask having the appearance of a raven. I walked over to him but he walked away and turned back around to wink. At me. Well, I thought it was for me. He kept on walking with the mischievous grin on his face as I followed after his footsteps. Seeing his mask made me forget the real reason I got up. The wine. My foot twisted in the strapped pumps and I spilled the wine all over a girl who was wearing a lavender dress with the high low skirt.

"What did you do?!" she shrieked and looked down at me. I was on my butt on the floor, the glass wine still in my hand. The only thing I was grateful for was the loud music, so that no one else could hear her shrieks about how I ruined her thousand dollar dress.

"Well, she seems happy." I heard someone whisper in my ear. I turned around and saw the raven mask still giving me that smile. I smiled back at him biting my lip and just shook my head.

"Come with me. I want to show you something." he whispered and grabbed my hand with his and intertwining our fingers. He pulled me out of the hot and stuffy place and led me down the hall where there was a ladder. We climbed it and it lead us to another floor, an attic probably. It was small and cramped and it was damp as if it had rained in there. We managed to crawl on top of the squeaky floor boards to a window. Raven mask opened the window and climbed out. I hesitated a minute, looking down at the street below, the cars passing by.

"C'mon, I'll be here to help you." he said and reached for my hand. I got ahold of his hand and crawled out onto the ledge, having to lift up my dress to be able to crawl and not tangle myself in it. I realized we were on the roof when I saw the outline of the city in the sky. You could hear the honks of cars and yells of people and the loud music coming from every corner of the city.

"I attend these things every year and every year I come up here to get away from the snobs." he said and laid back.

"Do you ever just look back at everything you've done and regret it?" he randomly asked. I looked at him puzzled but answered it anyways.

"Actually, yes. I look back and wonder why I ever did that." I said truthfully.

"And then you think of how things would've gone differently if you did something and all the what if's?" he asked again

"Okay, what's up with the questions?" I asked back. He sat up and looked at me blankly.

"Because I won't regret this." he said and kissed me. He grabbed one of my hands and put it around his neck while the other one was tugging at his hair. His hands were on my hips and he placed me on top of him all that I was sitting on him. I pulled away and carefully removed the mask and saw a pair of green eyes and pink tinted cheeks. I touched his cheek and then asked

"Who are you?"

He removed my mask and answered

"The only reason."

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