Sam Pottorff Imagine

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A/N: Sam is suppose to be much much older in this chapter, around late 70's. The italics are the flash back by the way. Hope you like it, enjoy!


Young And Beautiful:

Sam's POV••

It was drizzling light rain, the sky was a gray color and everything seemed still. I stepped out of the car and slowly walked over to the metal gate. I hesitatingly opened it, the gate creaking as if it hasn't been touched for a long time. I walked across the grass, moving around the other graves to reach the marble gravestone that was on the far left in the middle of the cemetery. I avoided looking at the date of the headstone but focused my attention of what it said under it.

"we always have problems because life will never be perfect."

It was something she has always repeated. For other people those words would mean nothing, but to me, it meant everything.


We laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, the hot July air entering through the open window. Outside the sound of cars passing by and people screaming could be heard from the last floor of the building.

"Sam," she had said that night. I felt her move beside me and I knew she facing me.

"Yes?" I answered not moving.

"Do you love me?" she asked. I remember sitting up to look at her. She was on her side, the comforter covering her bare chest. She looked me in the eyes waiting for my response.

"Of course I do. Why would you think I don't?" I asked her. I laid back down and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close so that my chin rested on her head.

"Will you still love me when I'm not longer young and beautiful?" she asked, not answering my question. I was shocked about her doubts on how I feel about her. She was never those types of girl to be unsure of how people felt about her or about how she felt.

"Yes, I will still love you. And I always will."

She turned to face me and looked up at me.

"What if you stop?" she whispered her voice cracking. She put her hand on my jaw and never broke her stare, like she always does when she wants a truthful answer.

"Why would I stop?"

She ran her thumb on the bottom of my lip and cleared her throat.

"Because obstacles get in our way. We always have problems because life will never be perfect."

"I love you." was all I said and she smiled before she leaned up to kiss me, not long before she was on top of me and kissing down my neck. We ended up falling asleep in each other's arms, legs intertwined with my chest against her bare back, not knowing what was to come.

Days and weeks passed and we kept on seeing each other until that one day.

It was in the afternoon and I was busy at work in the office when I received a call from her sister.

"Sam, something happened." she calmly spoke. She never called me and when she did, it was because y/n was with me and she needed to talk to her.

"What happened?" I asked turning in my chair.

"She's dead." was her sister said.

"Where?" I asked as calm as she was.

"Downtown hospital by the harbor." was all she told me before I hung up. I left at that moment and everything was a blur. I couldn't feel my legs. It felt like my legs weren't even touching the ground as I walked to the elevator and to my car. I don't remember driving all the way to the hospital or asking the nurse for where she was. I could only focus on those two words that repeated over and over again in my head.

"She's dead."

I quietly walked to her room and saw her sister, brother and mother sitting outside their door. Her sister saw me first and her eyes were bloodshot.

"How?" was all I could manage to say.

"She died in her sleep." she whispered and hugged me. I couldn't manage to wrap my arms around her. I just nodded and walked into her room.

There she was, laying in the bright room, nothing but the bed she rested on in here. I closed the door behind me and walked over to her. Her cheeks no longer contained the rosy color they used to, now they were pale white, as so were her lips. I grabbed her hand and it was cold but due to every single cell in my body being numb, I didn't feel it.

At her funeral, not much people came. I just stood behind the crowd and kept silent. I gave fake smiles when people told me they were sorry, even though the look in their eyes showed they could care less that she died.

"Sam," her brother said when he approached me.

"She wanted you to have this." and he walked away not saying another word. It was a red velvet box that he had handed me. I didn't open it until a week later. Inside was a picture of us sitting on a crate. She was sitting on lap, smiling and looking right at me while I had my hand on her back and the other on her hand, my nose touching hers and I was smiling at her as well. I took in a deep breath and flipped it over.

"I love you too." and for the first time after she died, I cried. They came coming non stop and when I tried to stop them, the more they came.


I crouched down and placed pink flower lilies on the now wet dirt. It was pouring now and the wind wasn't making it any better. My jacket was wet and my old crinkled hands were shaking from the coldness but it still didn't bother me like it did when I held her cold hands that day.

"I still love you like I said I would."

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