Ricky Dillon Imagine

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Heartbreak Girl:

Ricky's POV••

She knocked on my door at 2:24 in the morning, her mascara was running and her eyes were bloodshot. She was wearing sweatpants, a tanktop and her usual dirty converses.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" I asked, my sleepiness going away as soon as I saw her appearance. She didn't ask to come in and I didn't let her ask before she was past me and into my living room. She sat down on my couch, and started sobbing again.

"What's wrong?" I asked yet again. I only heard her whimper and gulp, taking in deep breaths before she said those words that I heard too many times,

"I'm heartbroken."

I relaxed and let her cry. I consoled her the first 7 times but then after it was a constant pattern of either calling me up or knocking on my door, I just let her cry until she was ready to tell me what was wrong.

"He broke up with me!! He didn't even call, not even a text, not even a voice mail! He sent a friend of his to tell me!" she wailed before collapsing into my lap. My mouth formed an "o" because guys usually break up with her by text, and telling her by a friend is a new low.

"Can you believe that-that jerk?! Who does that? Why would he do that? After all I did for him! He could've at least texted but person to person mail?" and I let her rant. She would rant for a long time until she thought I got the point and then asked for my opinion.

"Ricky!!" I heard her say.

"Huh?" I asked. She looked at me with disbelief.

"Why weren't you listening? Why don't you care that I'm heart-"

"Don't." I cut in before she could finish her sentence.

"You don't know what heartbroken is. You don't know what love is. Love is something special, something that holds a special meaning. You use love as much as you use the word and. When you use the word love, it had zero meaning because you get one boyfriend one minute and say you 'love' him when you've only been dating him for 5 minutes, then you break up with him and 8 seconds later you have a new boyfriend and you're telling him that you love him." I said in one breath. I've had enough of her claiming that she's in love when she hasn't even experienced it yet. She sat so still, I thought she stopped breathing, but the only sign of life were the tears rolling down her face. She opened her mouth and closed it and opened it again, thinking of what to say. After minutes of tension, she got up, walked over to my the front door and walked out. I sighed and I knew that I messed up.

"Y/N wait." I started calling, following her down the stairs. She didn't answer me, and her movements were stiff and slow, like a robot.

"Y/N please." I begged. I grabbed her wrist, and out of self defense she slapped me, causing me to stagger back. I felt a burn on my right cheek. I heard a sharp breath and soon she was kneeling down beside me.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to-it was a self defense mechanism." she explained and I laughed at her ramble but got serious again.

"I'm sorry about what I said back there." I said, grabbing her wrist again. She sighed and smiled, wiping away at invisible tears.

"Let's go get you an ice pack." she said before walking back. She stayed the night, and we spent it like usual. She fell asleep, her head in my lap. I carried her to my bed and rested her there, pulling out the sheets under us and laying next to her. I wrapped an arm around her and felt her snuggle in closer to me, taking in the familiar smell of coconut and cotton candy.

Only if she knew how I felt, only if she knew she was the heartbreak girl.

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