Ricky Dillon Imagine

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Your POV••

I walked to psychology class, already feeling the headache that this class will give me yet again.

For college students you'd think that everyone would be more mature but that's a lie.

I took my seat in the front row, already hearing the stupid jokes guys made, making the airheads giggle. I tugged at my hair, wishing that this class would end right now.

Don't get me wrong. I love psychology but the problem is that I got all the people I despise in my class. The group of girls with died hair and big scarfs and tight jeans. The group of guys who think harassment is flirting and wear droopy pants. The usual group of boy soccer players who wear a soccer jersey everyday and make fun of the outcasts. And then there are the quiet smart people who people don't really acknowledge.

Then there's me. I don't talk unless I'm spoken to or to respond to something idiotic. I have the "don't talk to me or I'll punch you in the jaw unless we're cool" look going on even though I wouldn't even pinch someone.

I sat in my chair, picking at the aqua blue nail polish and I felt someone poke my cheek. Looking to my right, I was Ricky Dillon sitting there. Ricky was one of those guys everyone knew and he talked to everyone and was friendly to everyone. But he talks bad about people behind their back until he makes it obvious enough that he does not like you.

He got expelled last year in high school for 2 months and rumor was that he was going to get into a fight with a guy and administration found out so he only got to punch the guy in the nose before the principle came and he got escorted to the office.

"Can I help you?" I asked him. Despite all the rumors that circled about him, I actually had a crush on Ricky but the sky would fall down if he ever found out.

"Do you have a pencil I can borrow?" he asked me. Nodding, I gave him a led pencil and he stayed seated. I thought he would go back with his usual group but he stayed seated.

I tried my best to not fiddle so much but that was impossible. I kept on crossing and uncrossing my legs and I pulled my sleeves over my hands and kept on rolling my sleeves up and down. You could basically see the anxiety roll off me.

A few minutes later, he leaned over and whispered in my ear,"Are you fabulous?"
I looked at him and he was grinning.
"No." I bluntly replied. His smile seemed to flatter at my respond.
"I'm perfect." I said and he stifled a laugh. And that's how the rest of class went by. He said something stupid and I laughed and I returned with a more stupid comment causing him to cover his mouth. I could feel people behind me laugh and whisper and I eventually heard my name in the whispering.

When the professor finally dismissed us, a girl with black dyed hair under her natural sandy hair came up to where Ricky and I were sitting and said, "Downgrade or nah?"
I felt something inside me break and I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room. I could hear her laugh along with her group of friends behind me and I felt someone grab my wrist.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that." said Ricky. It was amazing how much confidence this guy had in one pinky than I had in my whole entire body.

"About what?" I asked playing it cool.
"Lose the bad girl act. I know who you really are." he said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Okay but guess what? I don't care if she called me a downgrade or not because I don't like you." I said and started walking away when he grabbed my wrist again.

"Liar. I know you like me. I can tell when I was talking to you. You're eyes light up and you blush whenever I got close to you or made physical contact with you." he said.

"Does it even matter? You don't feel the same so let's forget this all happened." I said trying to get away again but only to fail.

"Because I feel the same." he said and I heard him let out a shaky breath.
"You just seemed so unapproachable and I couldn't tell you because I was afraid you would laugh at me because you're so different than anyone else here." he said.

"I really do like you y/n. And I hope that you can give me a chance and let me show you I'm not who everyone labels me as."

I looked at him and he came closer, the smell of mint strong, making my heart flutter.

"Okay." I agreed, trying to hide my smile.

"Okay." he smiled and kissed my cheek, walking away casually as if nothing ever happened.

This boy is walking confidence.
a/n: I am really having second thoughts on the audition idk if I'll do it or not and btw half of this story is true and the other isnt. I think you guys know which part is real.

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