Here Comes the Sun (Chapter 1)

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*** Hello. My name is Kimberley and this is my first attempt at writing anything for someone other than family or friends to read. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to do so. I would appreciate any advice that would help to make me a better writer.

*** Any pictures or videos used in this story are the properties of original owners and were obtain from youtube and google search.

*** Thank you Annmarie (@chocochickfila) for recreating the cover for this story.


"It's another snow day, folks. It's not as frigid as it has been in the past few days, but the roads are still treacherous. If you don't have to be outside, please stay home." The male announcer said. "It's almost the end of May. I am so DONE with this Calgary weather!"

"Here, I've got something to cheer you up," responded the female announcer. With that, the Beatles' song, 'Here Comes the Sun,' began.

Rubbing her eyes and sitting up in bed, Gabby's first thought was I've got to find a different radio station to listen to in the morning. With a chill in the room, it would have been easy to snuggle back under the warm blankets, but that was not possible today. Today, she would have to venture into the snow for an appointment with a new physiotherapist. If the weather and roads were as horrendous as the announcer proclaimed, an hour-and-a-half outing would likely take twice as long. Sighing, Gabby looked at the foot of her bed. Her trusted sidekick was old. Now fourteen, she had to wake him up instead of the other way around. Giving him a wake-up massage, Gabby laughed as Finnegan's hind legs crossed like divining rods when she found the sweet spot an inch above his tail.

"Morning, puppy."

Taking a few more minutes to enjoy being in bed, she eventually threw off the covers. Sliding her feet into her slippers, she stumbled to the window. Expecting the same dreary grey sky and blowing snow as yesterday, she opened the drapes, and her eyes widened as an audible "Oh, wow!" left her lips. Mesmerized, she watched as large, wet snowflakes floated effortlessly down to earth. Mother Nature had buried everything under a blank canvas and beckoned for an unknown artist to lay his first brush strokes. 

With Finnegan wagging his tail right behind her, Gabby sang to him as she made her way to her daughter's room. 

"If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes, oh what a snow that would be. Standing outside with my mouth open wide, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah—" she laughed. "Oh, man, I've got to get out more!"

Soon to be four years old, her daughter was an active little girl, so bedtime and waking up were the most precious moments her mother treasured. Resisting the temptation to crawl into bed for some cuddle time, rubbing her daughter's back, Gabby said in a sing-song voice, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey or it's snowing." Giggling to herself as Addilyn squirmed and nudged her face into the pillow, Gabby kissed her daughter's cheek and pulled the covers down. "Addie, sweetheart, it's time to wake up."

As the chilly air in the room hit her warm body, Addilyn twisted from side to side. Starting at her shoulders and raising her arms above her head, she spread her fingers wide. Then, arching her back and stretching her legs and toes as far as they would go, she finally opened her eyes.

"Good morning, my love. It's time to get up. Nanny is coming today."

"Is Poppa coming too?"

"I don't know. We'll have to wait and see. It's another snowy day, but you won't believe what it looks like outside. Come see."

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