Nervous Anticipation (Chapter 11)

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There was so much to do and insufficient time to complete it. Throwing Addilyn into the tub to play for a bit, Gabby pulled the same concert dress out of the closet. Holding it under her chin, she shook her head no.

Pulling out the backup, this time when she held up the peach-coloured dress, a smile instantly crept across her face. Skimming mid-calf in a handkerchief hem, the sheer peach lace overlay fabric floated as she swayed. Though not as fancy as the concert dress, it was perfect for a Spring date in New York.

"Mommy, how come I can't go with you tonight?"

"You know how Uncle Matt takes you out on dates, and Mommy stays home?" Addilyn nodded. "Well, tonight is Mommy's turn to go on a date."

"Mommy, if Ignazio becomes your big love, can he still be mine too?"

"Why do you think he can't still be your big love?" Gabby asked.

"Because he's big, and you're big, and I'm little."

"Big love doesn't happen in two days, sweetie. It takes time to grow. I'm positive that Ignazio has an enormous heart. So," cupping her daughter's chin, "yes, he can still be yours too."

Finished with bathing her daughter, Gabby lifted her out of the tub. Drying Addie off, she carried her out of the bathroom and tossed her onto the bed. Pulling out clean underclothes, leggings, and a striped tee, she asked, "Can you get yourself dressed?"



Making the mistake of glancing at her watch, panic filled Gabby's body. She had less than 30 minutes to shower and get ready before Barbara arrived.

"How are you doing?" Gabby asked, stepping into her dress, and zipping it up. Not bothering to wait for a response, she plugged her hairdryer in and turned it on. Usually, she didn't bother using a hairdryer as it made her hair frizzier, but desperate times called for fast results. Hearing a knock at the door, she froze.

"Please don't be Ignazio," she begged.

Peeking through the peephole, she sighed in relief.

"I'm so glad it's you," Gabby said, stepping to the side to let Barbara in. "Ignazio is going to be here soon, and I've still got so much to do and not enough time."

Barbara grabbed Gabby and hugged her.

"Just stop for a moment and breathe," she said. "Now, what can I do to help?"

"Can you finish drying my hair while I do my makeup?"


"Barbara, do you know where Ignazio is taking me tonight?" Gabby asked, clasping her pearl and diamond necklace around her neck.

"All I know is he was up late last night, and for Ignazio to forgo sleep, it has to be good." Giving Gabby's shoulders a reassuring squeeze, Barbara announced, "Done."

Looking in the mirror, a sliver of doubt crept into Gabby's body.

"Barbara, I haven't done this in so long. What if I'm overdressed or, worse, underdressed? I wish he had told me where we were going."

"Listen, don't panic. There is an easy fix for this. What shoes did you bring with you?"

Taking Barbara to the front closet, Gabby pulled out her white runners and nude booties.

"Here, try this," she said, pulling a denim jacket off the hanger and holding it open. Slipping it over Gabby's shoulder, she suggested, "There. Now, if Ignazio dresses more casually, remove your necklace, and put on your runners. Remove the jacket and switch the runners out for the dressier shoe if he is in a suit. Addilyn, what do you think?" Barbara asked, turning her mother around.

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