Unlocking One's Heart (Chapter 12)

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Moving from the back of the boat to the front and rounding the corner of an interior observation window, Gabby stopped short. Still a distance away but illuminated by floodlights and looming majestically on an island of black, 'Miss Liberty,' the universal symbol of hope for those who faced an unknown future, offered optimism to all who saw her.

"Ohh! Look, Ignazio. She's so beautiful."

Wrapped up in Ignazio's arms, she smiled in appreciation for the sacrifices from her own ancestors who had once travelled so far. Much like them, she was facing an unknown future. However, her hope was far more fleeting. Tomorrow, she would go back to Canada and he to Italy.

Don't do this now, her mind scolded her.

"Are you cold?" Ignazio asked, having felt her shiver.

Not wanting to reveal what was truly on her mind, she only muttered, "Just a little..."

"Do you want to go back inside?" Ignazio asked, shrugging off his jacket and placing it around her shoulders.

"No, not yet."

Sliding her arms through the sleeves, the warmth of his coat provided minor comfort as Gabby silently pleaded for her sadness to lessen. Leaning on the railing, she stared at the passing skyline rather than face Ignazio's disappointment.

"What's up?" Ignazio asked, resting his hand on her back. "You look like something is wrong."

"It's nothing. I'm just having a sad moment."

"Why? Are you missing, Addilyn?"


"Is it Alex?"

"No. Really, it's nothing."

"I don't believe you," he said, a hint of irritation in his tone. "Is it me? Am I pushing you too hard?"

"No, no, Ignazio, it's not you!" she insisted, touching his face, and holding his gaze. "It's me. I'm just being stupid! I was just..." Annoyance registered across Gabby's face, not because of him but because of her insecurities.

"Tell me, what's wrong? Maybe I can help."

While Ignazio's words should have provided comfort, they only added to the anxiety that was dominating her body. Swallowing the bubble in her throat, Gabby spoke to the deck floor.

"It made me sad thinking tonight would have to end, and tomorrow, we would both be heading back home."

"I understand that you have questions and concerns, but please don't waste another minute worrying about tomorrow," he said, lifting her chin up so she would look at him. "I need you to believe me when I say I want to get to know you more."

"I believe you."

"Do you really?"

"Yes," Gabby said, pressing her cheek into his palm as he cupped her face. "Yes, I do."

"Then that is all we need to think about for now."

"I'm sorry about putting a damper on our evening," Gabby said. "Unfortunately, there are too many times when I am my own worst enemy. You might be better off tossing me overboard and getting a fresh catch."

Scooping her up, Ignazio gave Gabby a bounce.

"Ignazio put me down," she said, laughing.


"Because people are watching."

"Let them watch because I don't care."


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