Reflections: Epilogue

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Now a family with four children, at 12 years old, the youngest Boschetto detested wearing a suit and tie. Made to wear one a couple times a year for special events his father was invited to, he entered his parents' bedroom.

"Mamma, do I have to wear this suit the whole day?"

Concentrating on bouncing a soccer ball off his shoe and then his knee, he did not see his mother glaring at him in the mirror.

"Gionni Alexander, please put that ball away now! You are going to ruin what you are wearing."

Usually called Gi by his parents, hearing his full name being spoken, Gionni stopped what he was doing. Plopping himself down in a chair, he huffed out loud. Unable to sit still, he resumed bouncing the soccer ball off his knee. Caught off guard when his 16-year-old brother came up from behind and snatched the ball away, he bellowed, "Give it back!"

"If you can get it, you can have it," Milo taunted, holding the ball just out of his younger brother's reach.

"Give it back!"

Yanking down on his brother's arm, Gionni swatted the ball out of his brother's hands. Scrambling for the runaway treasure, both boys heard their mother holler, "Boys!"

"Hey!... that's enough," came the stern voice of their father as he walked out of the bathroom. "Give that to me," he ordered.

As Milo tossed his brother's prized possession over his head to his father, Gionni shoved his brother and glared at him.

"Why do you always have to be such a jerk."

"You and you come with me," Ignazio said, placing his hand on the back of his youngest's neck and steering him out into the hallway.

"Papà, I wasn't doing anything wrong. Milo took my ball away from me and wouldn't give it back."

Hearing his brother scoff, Gionni's hot Sicilian temper flared, and once again, he reached for his brother.

Swatting the back of both boys' heads, Ignazio sternly said, "I said enough! You know Mamma is anxious, and the two of you are not helping."

"Sorry," the two boys said, rubbing their heads and following their father down the stairs.

"I want you to go bring the car around," Ignazio said, tossing Milo his mother's car keys.

"OK," he answered, swinging the keys around his finger.

Facing his youngest, Ignazio smiled proudly as he straightened out his son's tie. Slimmer in build than he had ever been, with his still round baby face, dark eyes framed by thick Boschetto brows and long dark hair, Gionni was the most like Ignazio's mini-me. Very much the jokester, he often got in trouble at school for goofing off. Passionate about sports and playing the drums, anything that involved not having to sit still, he loved.

"You look good," Ignazio said, running his hands over his son's shoulders.

"Papà, how long do I have to wear this tie for?" Gi questioned once again as he pulled on his shirt collar and impatiently waited for his father to finish inspecting him.

"Once the dinner starts, you can remove your suit jacket and undo your tie."

Hearing a car horn honk, Ignazio warned, before letting his youngest go, "Behave yourself."

"Don't tell me. Tell Milo," Gi hollered over his shoulder.


"The boys are gone," he informed his wife as he entered the room. Taking the necklace from her hands, Ignazio lifted it over her head and secured the clasp. Kissing her neck, he chuckled as she squirmed in her seat. Looking at himself and his wife in the mirror, he felt blessed. Dressed in a soft grey floor-length gown, her dress was adorned with just enough sparkle on the bodice and sleeve to match the sparkle in her eyes. Complimenting his dark blue-grey suit, the two of them made a striking couple.

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