Operation No Clue (Chapter 38)

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Sitting in the plane, Ignazio daydreamed out the window. Married seven months, their wedding had been an intimate Waterton celebration. Having only three days for a short honeymoon, he and Gabby explored all that Waterton and the surrounding area offered.

Reluctantly having to leave, he tried to convince her to come with him on tour, but common sense decided she would stay behind to pack up the house.

Resorting to using technology to keep in touch again, both struggled immensely with missing each other. Overjoyed when she suggested she join him for the last eight days of their twenty-three-day South American tour, he counted the days until he could embrace his wife again.

Leaving Addilyn to fly back to Italy with his parents, Gabby joined him in Argentina. Taking off whenever they could get away to sightsee on their own, he took her to many of the secret places he loved. Walking down streets and entering various shops or stopping at small vendors, he loved showing off his bartering skills, snatching up a few trinkets, bracelets, and a sun hat for bargain prices.

New to being a world traveller, Gabby was unprepared for the intensity of emotion from missing her daughter and home. Neither was she ready to live out of a suitcase, eat unfamiliar foods, and move from one city to another. Still, he was proud of her. Being a real trooper and never complaining, it wasn't until she almost got seriously hurt that he realized the ramifications of having his family travel with him.


Before exiting the theatre after a concert, Barbara and her assistant had needed to stay behind, so he again cautioned Gabby about their South American fans. Never imagining that that night would be any different from the others, keeping her in the centre of a triangle formed by himself, Gianluca and Piero, she was never more than an arm's reach away from any of them. Working their way through the crowds, before he could react, she suddenly disappeared as girls swarmed to get closer to them. Spotting her just beyond Piero's reach, he tried to get to her. Seeing Barbara appear out of nowhere, he bellowed that Gabby was in trouble. Observing Barbara grab her and safely escort her back to the bus, he hastily worked through the crowd. Signing only a few more autographs and allowing a couple more pictures, he excused himself from the rest of the group and raced to the bus. Able to see from the lights up front that his wife was not there, panic pushed him to run faster. Banging on the door for the driver to open it, he pushed past the seats, calling out for her. Finding her sitting in the back, comforted in Barbara's arms, he stopped when he saw her holding an ice pack over her left cheek and eye.

Grasping her arms and pulling her up to stand, he exclaimed, "You're hurt!"

"Igna!" she exclaimed, wincing as she pulled her arm out of his grasp.

It was then that he saw three long, raw scratch marks that had broken through the skin. Gently bringing her closer to him, he apologized profusely. Lightly brushing her hair from her face, he gingerly removed the icepack. Above her eyebrow, a butterfly bandage held a small gash closed. Instantly, his temper flared. Lashing out at Barbara he heard Gabby cry, "Igna, stop." Only then did he check his anger. Escorting her back to the front of the bus, he left her in their care of Gianluca and Piero.

Returning to the rear, trying hard to keep his emotions under control, he demanded that his wife be kept safe. Grateful that Barbara did not take offence to his harsh words, she agreed to have Gabby escorted out of the theatre before he and the other two exited. Satisfied, he made his way back up front.

Though disappointment and guilt over failing to protect his wife filled his being, hearing her engage in some happy chatter, Ignazio's mood slightly brightened. Kissing Gabby's head, he gently squeezed her tight.


That night, lying in bed, they had their first major argument as a married couple. Having removed her makeup, he had seen the telltale signs of a large purple bruise around the outside of her left eye and down onto her cheekbone. Both stubborn, Gabby minimized her injury by insisting it was just an accident, while he threatened never to allow her or the family to see a concert ever again. Though tempted to follow her onto the balcony, he sat in bed and gave her time.

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