This Won't Be Goodbye (Chapter 14)

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Arriving at the airport and jumping out of the car, Addie landed on both feet.

"Ohh, this might be a long trip home!" Gabby whined. "Are you able to stay for a bit?"

"I can stay."

"Good, I'm starved. Let's get something to eat."

There wasn't much open, but finally, locating a restaurant that offered more than just coffee and donuts, Ignazio took Gabby and Addilyn's orders. Finding a table in the corner, Gabby asked, "So, tell me about last night."

Wiggling in her seat, Addilyn shared her adventure, starting with going to get Piero and Gianluca.

"We ate this huge pizza," Addie explained, extending her arms in a circle to demonstrate its size. "We played video games, and Mommy... there was a really big slide that dropped into a ball pit. It was so much fun!"

"Here you go, sweetheart," Ignazio said, setting their food on the table.

Scrunching her nose up and sticking out her tongue, Addie flat out asked, "What's this?"

"It's bacon."

"That's doesn't look like bacon!"

Laughing, Ignazio took the limp piece of meat and added it to his breakfast bagel.

"Mommy!" Addie said, alarmed, jumping off her chair and grabbing her mother's arm. "My stuffie's at the hotel!"

"No, it isn't, my love. Honeybun is in my backpack."

"Nooo! Piero gave me an elephant, and I left it at the hotel." On the verge of crying, Addie crawled onto her mother's lap as Ignazio spoke.

"Addilyn, it's going to be OK. I will text Piero and get him to look for your stuffie. When he finds it, I will send it to you, or better yet, how about I take care of your elephant until I see you again." Raising his palm, he promised, "I will take excellent care of him, and every time I look at him, I will think of you." Reaching over and lightly squeezing Addilyn's cheek, Ignazio gave her a smile.

"I think that's a fantastic idea," Gabby announced.

Rubbing her face on her mother's shoulder, Addie half-heartedly agreed.


Walking through the airport, no one spoke, not even Addilyn. This was it; the culmination of the last two-and-a-half days was here. Blinking back tears, Gabby diverted Addilyn and Ignazio to some vacant seats. Grasping Ignazio's arm and pulling him off to the side, she covered her face with her hands. Only dropping them as far as her mouth, she lowered her head and let out a quiet whimper as her tears fell. Encircled in Ignazio's arms, she said nothing.

Surprised by how weak his voice sounded when he spoke her name, Gabby looked up and saw that tears had also pooled in Ignazio's eyes. Swiping her jaw against her shoulder, she dug deep for courage.

"Ignazio, are you sure you want this? You know I am a package deal. Being in my life also means being in Addilyn's."

"Yes, yes, I want this. I don't care that you are a package deal."

"You should care! This isn't just you and me; this is also my daughter. Addilyn loves you. She always has, but as you saw at the zoo, it is not always smiles and giggles. You can't always do what you want when you want, and sometimes, you must be the bad guy. There will be times when you might not be well, but they don't care."

"I didn't mean I'm not taking it seriously. Believe me, I am. I've thought long and hard about this." Releasing Gabby from his hug, Ignazio rubbed his palms up and down her arms. "The downside to my career is that it takes me away from the people I love far too often. However, the upside is it also allows me to provide well for them." Taking her face in his hands, he stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I meant what I said yesterday about falling for you."

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