In 5,4,3,2,1... Meltdown(Chapter 7)

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Relaxing under the tree, Gabby kept switching her attention between her daughter and sneaking glances at Ignazio. Sitting with his eyes closed and his head resting against the tree trunk, she tapped on his thigh, and asked, "Are you falling asleep?"

Opening his eyes, and smiling he said, "Nope, I'm just enjoying my time here with you."

"Well, it's almost 11:25, if Addie and I want to go to the zoo, we should get going."

"Do you want to come, too?" Addilyn asked, smiling at him.

"Are you inviting me?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered, dancing around him.

"And what about you?" Ignazio asked Gabby.

It took everything she had not to scream, "Yes, yes, yes."


Arriving at the gate and waiting to get in, the three of them eavesdropped on the conversation between another mom and her young son.

"This is the zoo in the movie Madagascar."

"It is?" Addie asked, sitting atop Ignazio's shoulders.

"It is."

"I like that movie," said the young boy as he smiled at Addie.

"Me too!" she said, as Ignazio set her back on the ground.

Listening to the children chatter, it was difficult for the adults not to get caught up in youthful giddiness.


"More sandwich, less juice," Gabby insisted, pushing her daughter's drink further away. Seeing Addilyn frown, Ignazio twisted off the cap from his drink and guzzled half of it down. Thumping his chest, he let out a small burp, causing Addilyn to laugh.

"Ugh! Boys are so disgusting." Hiding a hint of a smile, Gabby blocked Ignazio when he leaned sideways to kiss her cheek. "I don't want those nasty burp lips on me," she jokingly protested.

"Mommy," Addie said as Ignazio leaned backward and pouted. "You hurt his feelings!"

"Did I hurt your feelings, Ignazio?" Grasping his cheeks and turning his face to Addilyn, she asked, "Would you want to kiss this?"

Raising one eyebrow and crossing his eyes, Ignazio stuck his tongue out to the side.

"Nooo way!"


Central Park's main zoo was just the right size for an afternoon visit. Following Ignazio's lead, the three of them enjoyed every animal, fowl, and reptile they encountered. Needing to stop to adjust her brace and take additional medication, Gabby got left behind.

"Come on, Mommy," Addilyn said, returning and tugging her mother's hand.

"I can't walk so fast, sweets."

"How are you doing?" Ignazio asked.

"I'm fine. We just need to go slower, that's all."

Offering Gabby his arm, Ignazio allowed her to set the pace. Leading her over to a bench in a well-shaded area, he ordered, "Sit!" Lifting her face towards him, though she gave him a tight-lipped grin, he could see in her eyes there was pain.

"Why don't you stay here and relax, and I'll take Addilyn through the petting zoo."

"Oh, thank you," Gabby said, accepting his gracious offer.

"Ignazio let's go! Let's go!" Addie insisted, pulling on his back pocket.


Enjoying the chance to rest, Gabby daydreamed about what it would be like to have someone significant in her life again. Someone to care for her when she couldn't do the same for herself. Interrupted by a child protesting, she recognized the voice of her daughter.

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