Final Countdown (Chapter 2)

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Slumped over the piano keys, Ignazio found little solace in what he was composing. Dragging his hands down his face and clasping them together, his head throbbed. Staring at the sheet of paper that mocked him, he crumpled it up and hurled it at the wastepaper basket.

Usually, being in his music room gave him a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction. It was not uncommon for him to give up eating and occasionally even sleep when the mood to compose came upon him. That had no longer been the case the past couple of weeks. Leaving his music room, he headed to the kitchen. If music gave no relief, cooking inevitably would.

Entertaining a few friends tonight and not finding his Nonna's cookbook where it should be, Ignazio slammed the door to the cupboard closed.

"What's up with you?" a fit figure wearing black eyeglasses asked, entering the kitchen, his arms full of bags.

"I'm just..." Throwing his hands up and exhaling a long breath, Ignazio did not bother finishing his sentence. "Did you get everything?" he asked, relieving Piero of the bags.

"I did."

"Good." Setting the bags on the counter, he asked, "Hey, did you put Nonna's cookbook somewhere?"

"No." Pointing to the cupboard Ignazio had just slammed shut, Piero spoke, "It's right in there."

"No, it's not! I looked."

Going to the cupboard, Piero opened the door and there, tucked in the corner, was Nonna's cookbook.

"What's up with you lately? It's not like you need this anyway," he said, dropping the book on the counter.

Massaging his temples, Ignazio yearned for a reprieve from the heaviness that engulfed him.

"I am so frustrated right now."

"Over what?"

"My personal life. It's not where I want it to be."

"OK. What exactly brought about this change? I thought you were enjoying being single again?"

"I was, but last night, when Fabio came over with his wife and new baby, I realized I wanted what he had; a woman to adore and a family." Sighing, Ignazio continued, "You would think, with all the people we meet when on tour or just going about our own business, that I could find someone who wants to love me, the person, not the singer. And our fans, I know they love us, and I love them, but it's hard enough to be in a relationship with everyone putting in their two cents. You know what I mean? I just want a nice, normal girl."

"I do." Looking over at his discouraged friend, Piero shook Ignazio's shoulder. "It will happen, Igna, just be patient. You're only 27. Getting married will be a big change for all of us, so just enjoy being young and single."

"I know. I know!"

"Come on," Piero declared, clamping a hand on Ignazio's shoulder. "I got you the chicken and for me... the wine. Let's cook."

Putting on some music, Piero danced with an imaginary partner back to the kitchen. Uncorking the bottle, he poured himself half a glass, then gestured to Ignazio. Laughing, Ignazio handed his glass over.

"Thanks for being my sounding board," he said apologetically.

"Hey, we are family. Just remember this—" moving both index fingers back and forth—"when it's my turn to become crazy."


"Addie, sweetie, come here. I have something to show you." Lifting her daughter onto her lap, Gabby opened the envelope she had received from her mother-in-law two weeks earlier. "Do you know what this is?" Addilyn frowned and shook her head. "Inside this envelope is a present from Grampa and Gramma K. In five days, you and I will get on a plane and fly to a big city called New York City."

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