I Got This Feeling (Chapter 10)

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Waiting for the elevator, Ignazio mentally reviewed the activities for the day. With today being their last day together, he had planned an entire afternoon, and if Gabby agreed, it would end with a night out for just the two of them. Texting that he was on his way up, hearing the ding signalling the elevator's arrival, he did not bother looking up. Stopped when two arms wrapped around his hips, he looked down into his Piccolo Amore's smiling face.

"Buongiorno, Ignazio," Addilyn said confidently.

Looking over at Gabby, he flashed her a dimpled smile.

"We practiced all morning."

Picking Addilyn up, Ignazio answered, "Buongiorno Bellissima. Anyone hungry yet?" he asked, giving Addie a tickle.

"Me!" she exclaimed.

"I'm famished," Gabby added.

"All right, let's go."


"I have a surprise for you," he said.

"For me?" Addie asked.

"Well, it's actually for both of you." Hitting the Bluetooth button on the car radio, Ignazio turned the volume up.

"T, t, t," a high-hat sounded over the car speakers.

"Yay!" both girls squealed.

"Sing it, girls."

"I got this feeling inside my bones..."

"Car dance with us, Ignazio," Gabby invited.

"I don't know how?"

"You do so! I've seen you do it on Instagram." Stopped at a red light, she held a pretend mic to Ignazio's lips.

"Ooh, it's something magical. It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's rushing on..." Drumming his hands on the steering wheel, Ignazio continued, "I can't stop the... feeling."

"I love that song!" Addilyn shouted as the song faded out.

"What other songs do you have on your phone?" Gabby asked.

Handing over his phone, Ignazio invited, "Go ahead, take a look."


"Hello gorgeous," Piero said, holding out his hands and flashing Gabby a warm smile.

"Hello," Ignazio replied, draping himself over his buddy.

"Get off me," Piero complained, shoving Ignazio off him.

"You hurt my feelings."

"You'll get over it."

Hugging Piero tight, Gabby laughed as he moved side to side, taking her with him.


"So," Ignazio said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "I know I promised never to make plans that involved Addilyn without clearing it with you first, but I wanted this to be a surprise."

"What did you do?" Gabby asked.

"Well, I asked Barbara to get us tickets to a family Broadway production. We're going to go see Aladdin later this afternoon."

"Mommy, I want to see Aladdin!" Addilyn said, bouncing in her chair.

"I don't know what to say." 

"Just say thank you. It is my treat for the two of you," Ignazio added.

Focused on her colouring page and wiggling in her chair, Addie sang out, "Oh, you ain't never had a friend, no, you ain't never... had a... friend... like mee!" Hearing everyone clap, Addie giggled into her fingers as her mother hugged her.

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