Envelope Please (Chapter 40)

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Two years later, Ignazio, Piero, and Gianluca once again returned to America. Visiting the shows that had supported them throughout the years, they particularly liked 'Hallmark's Home and Family.' Taping for the Christmas show, talk smoothly turned to family and the things the boys loved about the Christmas season.

"What is it you cherish most about Christmas?" Debbie asked Ignazio.

"I would say spending time with my wife and kids. We are still super busy, and it takes us away a lot, so when we get the chance to..." Ignazio lowered his hands from his chest to his waist, and ,blowing out, he exhaled deeply. "You know, it feels good."

"Is that the same for the two of you?"

"Yes," Gianluca answered, "Especially now as our Il Volo family grows, family is becoming increasingly more important."

"He just got engaged two weeks ago," Piero said, spilling the beans as the audience clapped. "But for me," he pouted, "I'm still looking."

"Oh," Debbie said, playing into Piero's pout, "that's too bad. Are you looking for an Italian girl, an American girl?"

"I love all women no matter where they're from," Piero grinned.

Excited, Mark jumped into the conversation.

"Piero let's help you out. Look into this camera and put your desire out there."

"Ok," Piero said, beaming. Taking hints from his bandmates, he chuckled.

"OK, this camera?" he asked.


"Speak it in Italian," Gianluca teased. "It'll sound better."

"Amore, mio..."

Stopped by Ignazio humming a song, Piero questioned, "what are you doing?" Told it added the ambiance for his words, Piero licked his lips and started again. "Amore, mio, il tuo pensiero fa volare il mio cuore ad altezze inimmaginabili. E ogni giorno ti cerco in un mare di volti sconosciuti. Un giorno ci incontreremo. Fino ad allora."

Debbie struggled to speak. Eventually able to utter something other than nonsense syllables, she asked, "For the sake of those of us who don't understand Italian, will you please repeat that in English?"

"Shall I provide music again?" Ignazio asked.

"No." Scooting himself forward in his chair and once again looking at the camera, Piero started. "My love, the thought of you makes my heart soar to heights unimaginable. Every day, I search for you in a sea of unknown faces. One day, we will meet. Until then." Puckering his lips and adding a kiss at the end, a slight pinkness came to Piero's cheeks.

"Woah!" Debbie said, fanning herself.

"Alright, all you single ladies," Mark said. "There you have it. Piero is looking for a love interest."

High fiving his bandmates, Piero sat back in his seat and smiled.

"Now, Gianluca," Debbie said, "May we ask who your special lady is?"

"Her name is Cecilia." Blowing a kiss to the camera and blushing, he added, "And that's all I will say."

"Congratulations," Mark said, "That is great. I feel like such a proud parent. When you boys first appeared here, you were, well, just young boys, and now look at you, married, getting married..." looking at Piero, "Wants to be married."

Piero pressed his palms together and flashed a Barone smile.

"Yes, we have been together longer than before meeting for the first," Gianluca said.

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