Living in a Blur (Chapter 32)

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"Gabby, we need to go back to the house. There's been an accident. Addilyn's been hurt. We..."

Taking off running, Gabby's heart plummeted into the pit of her stomach, and she did not wait for Ignazio to finish. Running the three blocks back to the house and not seeing beyond the next curve in the road, the heaviness of her feet felt like they were slowing her down. Pushing harder, she cried out, "Alex, our baby. Help me!"

Still, a block away, turning the corner, two police cars, a fire truck, a vehicle half-parked on the sidewalk, half on the road, and an ambulance materialized into view. Stopping in her tracks, Gabby stared in disbelief. Several uniformed individuals stood around, but no one seemed to be moving. Where was Addilyn? How hurt was she? Where was Piero? Was he hurt, too? All these questions swirled in her mind. Continuing to run and spotting her daughter's red shoe lying on the sidewalk, a foot or two behind the car's back tire, a scream from her soul shattered the stillness of the air.


Stopped from going any further by a police officer, Gabby fought to get away.

"That's my daughter!" she howled as she yanked her arm out of the officer's grasp.

"Please, Ma'am," a policewoman's voice said in English, "I need you to calm down."

Straining to see her daughter and only able to see the paramedic leaning over a small shape strapped to the gurney, Gabby watched as the ambulance door closed and the lights and siren started up. Feeling someone's hands touch her from behind, Gabby spun around, fists clenched, ready to hit whoever tried to restrain her again. Stopping short when she realized it was Ignazio, clinging to him, she pleaded, "They're taking her away. Where are they taking her, Ignazio?"

"She is going to Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi," the policewoman said, "I'll take you there soon. But first, I need you to come with me." Leading Gabby and Ignazio to the grass, the policewoman deliberately turned them, so their backs were to the accident.

"What happened?"

"A driver lost control of his vehicle going around the corner and hit your daughter. We have him in custody."

Hearing, "He may have been drinking," Gabby's sense of her surroundings instantaneously vanished.

"No, no, no." This could not be happening again. Pacing back and forth, every emotion exploded like fireworks inside her head. Spotting Piero walking towards them, her brain settled on one. Pushing Ignazio away and charging him, Gabby's anger ignited. Shoving Piero as hard as she could, he stumbled backward, almost falling to the ground.

"You promised me you would take care of her!" she spat, her voice pitched to a scream.

"I'm..." was all Piero had the chance to say before her hand connected with his cheek.

"Gabby!" Ignazio shouted, yanking her back and holding down both arms. Straining against his grip, she continued to scream.

"I trusted you. You said you would watch her. Had I known this would happen, I never would have let her go." Stopping instantly, Gabby looked at Piero and let out a low, guttural moan. "Oh, God... I let her go. It's my fault. I let her go." Had Ignazio not been holding her in a bear hug, she would have dropped to the ground. Unable to breathe and unable to speak, all she could do was weep and shake uncontrollably.

"Gabby, I'm sorry," Piero said, tentatively stepping forward.

Allowing the policewoman to direct her to the waiting police car, Gabby did not bother looking back. Numb from head to toe, she stared blankly out the car window, and any attempt to comfort fell upon deaf ears. The only sound she heard was the piercing wail of the police siren speeding through the streets.

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