Dancing the Night Away (Chapter 26)

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Having received their call to make their way to the stage, Gabby held Ignazio's hand. Hustling down the corridor, the three guys received feedback from others in the hallway about how the audience was responding. Fist-bumping with people as they passed, many said, "Make it a good one." Though this was probably ordinary to everyone else, it was all new and super exciting to her. Pushing the door open for the others to walk through, Michele warmly smiled at Gabby.

"Breathe," he said as she passed him.

"Pardon me?"

"Breathe. I can see that this is a lot for you." Walking beside her and Ignazio, Michele continued, "It's a unique sensation being backstage compared to sitting in the audience, so don't be surprised if you feel everyone's energy coming at you. It can be overwhelming the first time you experience it. Remember to take deep, slow breaths, and you will be fine."

Walking through the final door, a surge of excitement hit Gabby in the chest. Hearing Seal start his final number, she swayed to the music and quietly sang, "I, I'm so in love with you..." Pulled in close, she wrapped her arm around Ignazio's waist and enjoyed the moment.

Receiving the direction that a brief introduction would be made, watching as the boys prepared themselves with a handclasp, Gabby quickly stepped to the side to allow Seal to exit the stage. Smiling at him, she received a nod as he passed by.

Standing in the shadows, listening as the boys performed their first song, she finally comprehended what Michelle had been speaking about. Watching from the audience, you were part of the energy, but standing in front of them, even buffered by the curtains, the waves of sound as thousands of voices sang along was unbelievable. Drawn into the spell of the performance, it was only once the song ended, the applause boomed, did the energy that had washed over her eased its hold on her body and she took a deep breath. Instantly enveloped again when the boys started singing their second song, this time she was prepared.

Ready to end their set, the guys encouraged everyone to stand and move. Swaying side to side to the Latin rhythm of 'Noche Sin Dia,' Gabby couldn't wait to get to the after-party and dance the night away.

"Grazie a tutti e buon anno nuovo," all three said, waving goodbye as they walked off the stage.

"I have experienced nothing like that before." Gabby said, sitting beside Ignazio on a couch. "The sound of the clapping and cheering was like thunder and filled the whole theatre." Rambling on as Gianluca and Piero grinned back at her, Gabby could not keep back her excitement in any longer. "And when the audience sang along, you could feel their voices radiate back to you." About to say something else, but seeing Piero lean over and whisper something in Gianluca's ear, Gabby lowered her eyes and covered her mouth as she giggled. Feeling the familiar heat in her cheeks, she excused herself to freshen up.

Gabby had never felt so much euphoria before. Looking at herself in the mirror, she could see in her countenance every emotion she felt on the inside. A permanent grin had spread across her face, the apples of her cheeks were high and round, and her eyes shone with pure excitement.

Wetting a paper towel, she dabbed it on her neck and across her chest. Exhaling hard and forcing herself to breathe slower; eventually, her heart went back to not beating in her throat. Checking her makeup in the mirror and reapplying her lipstick, hearing a knock on the door and Piero's voice asking if she was okay, she answered back that she was fine and would be right out. Taking in one more deep inhale and exhale, she opened the door.

"Oh, hey," she said, not expecting to find him still there.

"Are you okay?" Piero asked once again.

Smiling brightly, Gabby responded, "I'm good. Why?"

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