Early to Bed, Early to Rise (Chapter 28)

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Arriving in Rome, Gabby rolled her shoulders and rubbed her neck. It felt good to move and work out the tightness in her muscles. And though Ignazio had purchased tickets for them that allotted for extra leg room, nineteen hours was a long time to entertain a child in the confines of a compact space or strange airport.

Disembarking, Addilyn and Gabby followed the crowd through the gangway and into the main terminal. Making it past customs with relative ease and slowly creeping forward, once the group of people in front of them parted, Addilyn was the first to spot Ignazio. Just like she did at the carousel, she zig-zagged past those in front of her and yelled his name. Kneeling, Ignazio braced himself for impact.

"Oh, piccolo amore, I've missed you so much," he said, tossing Addilyn into the air and then bear hugging her. Zerbitting her cheek several times before putting her back down, he held his arms open wide and gave Gabby a deep-dimpled smile. Just as her daughter did, she too jumped into his open arms. Kissing each other over and over, he lifted her off the ground and spun her around.

"Aah! I can't believe you're here. I am so excited!" Ignazio said, looking down at Addilyn as she bounced on her toes. "Guess who I brought?"

"Who?" both Addie and Gabby asked.

Picking up the small bag from off the floor, Ignazio pulled out a pink elephant.

Squealing, Addie grabbed her stuffie and hugged it tightly.

Patting her on the head as she wrapped her arms around his hips and squeezed him, Ignazio added, "Let's get your luggage and get out of here."


Arriving at the car, Ignazio opened the door to the back seat and sweeping his hand out in front of him, he announced, "Ta-da! I bought a proper car seat for Addie. The back part can come off when she is big enough for a booster."

"Aah, I thought you would just rent one for us," Gabby said.

"I was, but then, since you will probably be coming back a few more times, I decided to just buy one instead."

"We're coming back, are we?" Gabby teased.

"If I get my way, yes!"


Maneuvering their way through Rome's streets, Gabby was grateful that Ignazio was driving. Unfamiliar with the maze of Rome's traffic, she often clutched his forearm or slammed her foot on an imaginary brake as he swerved around others.

"All the cars are so small here compared to back home. I see why you were so shocked when I pulled up in the Beast."

"Many of Italy's roads are narrow, especially in the smaller cities and villages, so cars must be small to fit."

"Makes sense."

Eventually, leaving the big metropolitan city commotion behind them, Gabby finally relaxed and enjoyed the countryside on their route home.

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