Only Fools Rush In (Chapter 31)

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It had been a fulfilling day; delicious food, fun activities, and people quickly becoming important to her. With everyone engaged in continuous conversations, Gabby listened as they spilled the beans about the antics Ignazio, Piero, and Gianluca got into. Non-stop laughing: there were times she had to take a drink of water just to give her ribcage a break.

Treated to an impromptu sing-along, the boys serenaded her and Addilyn. It didn't matter if one of the guys was singing in a theatre for thousands or in a living room; the feeling was still the same. Parents looked on proudly. Addilyn's body moved to the music, and Gabby took it all in.

Sitting down at the piano, Piero got fancy with the finger work.

"What other talents do you have besides playing the piano," Gabby asked.

"Oh, I have lots of hidden talents," he answered.

"Trust me," Gianluca piped in, tapping Piero on the arm so he would move over. "Don't get him started on his talents. Some of them aren't that good."

Not believing what she was seeing, she found it both funny and disgusting as Piero inserted the tip of his tongue up one nostril.

"Ewww!" she half-laughed, half-muttered.

"And that's only one," Ignazio added.

Coming into the room at just the right time, Eleanora saw what Piero had done.

"Piero, questo è disgustoso!" she scolded. Knowing what was coming, Piero ducked his head as Eleanora walked past. Swatting the back of his head, she uttered additional words of scolding. Silently giggling, Gabby loved that it didn't matter who the boys belonged to; all three belonged to each other's mothers.

Sitting with his love on his lap, Ignazio listened to his and Gianluca's fathers sing a love song to their wives. Many times, he had seen his parents looking at each other with complete love for one another and smiling to himself; he had also seen it when Gabby looked at him. Resting his chin on her shoulder as her fingertips travelled up and down his arm, he cemented the scene playing out before him into his memory. His family, his Il Volo family, and his two loves had all come together in this moment. Nudging Gabby's ear with his chin, unexpectedly, she excused herself, keeping him from sharing his thoughts.

"I'll be right back," she said.


Standing at the sink, washing her hands, Gabby stared at herself. The image of Ignazio's and Gianluca's mothers looking at their husbands with enduring love reminded her of her mother, father, and in-laws. Rinsing off her hands, a new reflection stared back at her. Touching just below her eye, the look of Caterina, Eleanora, Kate, and her mother shone in her own eyes. She was in love with a wonderful man, and nothing could change that.

Returning to the living room, Gabby whispered in Ignazio's ear, "I love you." Receiving a tender kiss on the temple, she snuggled in close.


Just as quickly as the sing-along started, it ended. Catching a glimpse outside the window and seeing that the sun had begun to set, Ignazio announced that it was time to get going. Pointing to the toys Addilyn had been playing with earlier, Gabby instructed her to clean them up.

"Don't worry about those," Eleanora said, taking the few building blocks and cars from Addilyn. "We'll take care of those." Setting them on the counter, Eleanora smiled at Gabby and Addilyn. "It has been marvellous having you visit." Taking Gabby in her arms, she insisted, "Ignazio, you must bring these two back again someday."

"I will try my hardest to do that," he said. "But this is the one—" pointing to Gabby—"who you must convince."

Disappearing briefly while everyone said their goodbyes, Ercole returned, holding something in his fist.

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