Operation Under Wraps (Chapter 35)

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Discharge day was the best day in the world. The only visible sign Addilyn had been injured was the cast still on her right arm and a slight awkwardness in her gait, which her therapists were confident would be resolved with continued rehab. The other good news was that Dr. Ritazi gave Addilyn the all-clear to travel home.

Pulling into the driveway, Addilyn and Gabby were greeted by a smiling person standing on the steps holding a bouquet and a giant heart balloon.

Swung up in his arms, Addie squeezed Piero tight.

"Welcome home," he said.

Kissing her multiple times until she pushed his face away, setting Addilyn down, he gave her the balloon. Holding his arms open, he smiled as Gabby stepped into his hug.

"These are for you," Piero said, giving her a colourful bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you. They're lovely," Gabby responded, pecking his cheek.


Sitting around the table, eating dinner, the conversation was loud and lively. Overhearing Caterina say she would stay at a hotel for the week to give Ignazio and Gabby some privacy, Piero offered his house to her, insisting she could stay there, as he would be gone, starting tomorrow, on a brief holiday with his brother and some friends.

"Grazie, Piero. I will only need it for a few days as I will return home this weekend with my husband."


Suddenly saddened by the realization that Caterina would be leaving, Gabby excused herself.

Sitting on the bed, she reflected on the day she first met Ignazio's parents. Like Brian and Kate had done for Ignazio, they immediately opened their hearts to her and Addilyn, and she fell in love with them. It would be hard to say goodbye. Opening the door, she came face to face with Ignazio.

"Are you OK?"


"You sure?"


Heading back downstairs, Gabby walked up behind Caterina and gave her a hug around the neck and a peck on the cheek, grinning when Caterina reached up and held her hand.

Returning for a few days before he and Caterina were to head home, Vito stepped in to support Gabby while Ignazio was away. While she appreciated his willingness, jealousy once again reared its ugly head when all he had to say was, "Addilyn, fallo per Nonno. Do it for Nonno," and her daughter would comply. Lavished with lots of hugs and whisker kisses on the cheek or tickles and a cuddle on the couch when done, she would do pretty much anything to please him. Able to enjoy her daughter's belly laugh once again, she kicked envy to the back of her brain and refused to let it stay.Joining her daughter and Vito for a bedtime story, Gabby understood Addie's love for him. Just like his son, Vito was an entertaining bedtime storyteller.


Getting a text from Ignazio asking her to stay up until he got home, Gabby fought against her fatigue until she couldn't do it anymore. Addilyn had a rough day and sleep had been calling for her since before 9:30 p.m. Sending off a text telling Ignazio that she couldn't stay up any longer and not getting a response, she caved and crawled under the sheets. Able to push it another twenty minutes by answering and sending off a few emails letting friends know she would be home soon; Gabby rested her eyes for what she thought would be just a brief nap.


It was much later then he had planned when Ignazio finally entered the dark house. The recording sessions yesterday and today had been incredibly productive, and having completed laying down his tracks, he was now free to return to Canada. Taking the opportunity, before he headed for home, to have a serious talk with Piero and Gianluca, Ignazio informed them of his plan. Come morning he would call Michele to discuss some potential future changes.

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