Meet and Greet (Chapter 5)

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Not knowing for sure if Addilyn and her mother had accepted the invitation to come backstage, a hitch of panic sat heavy in Ignazio's chest as he made his way through the maze of cement passages. If they weren't there, then that would be it. He had no other means of finding out who Addie's mother was. Turning the door handle, Ignazio held his breath.

"You're here," Michele remarked, looking up from the desk. "This little lady got quite upset earlier, thinking she had to leave without saying goodbye."


Gabby froze as the three members of Il Volo entered the room.

"Igna," Piero said, giving Ignazio a slight push out of the way. Dressed in a silver and grey graphic t-shirt and ripped jeans, Piero's dark brown eyes danced behind black tortoise-shell eyeglasses.

"You must be mom," he said.

"Uh, sorry, yes," she stammered.

"Fellas, this is Gabrielle," Barbara introduced.

"Hello," Piero said, taking her hand in both of his. Leaning forward, he kissed her cheek. "Thank you for coming. Your daughter is such a cutie. Her spirit reminds me of my sister when she was younger."

"And does your sister still have the same spirit?" she asked.

"More!" he snickered. "We Barones' are uh, what do they say—" peering over at the others and rubbing his beard—"testardo, we are stubborn."

"Yes, you are!" piped in Gianluca, giving Piero's head a slight nudge.

"Hey, do I touch your hair? NO!" quipped Piero as Gianluca snickered, "YES!"

Jerking their heads back and blocking each other's arms from touching each other's hair, Gabby couldn't help but chuckle. Finding the bantering back and forth helped put her at ease; she watched Piero plop down on a big, overstuffed chair.

"It is wonderful to meet you," a smooth voice spoke as a warm hand touched hers.

Dropping her eyes, Gabby blushed. Casually dressed but with more style than the other two, Gianluca looked like a model with his chiselled features and soft, golden-brown eyes. Dressed in white jeans and a black t-shirt, his jacket sleeves were bunched up, exposing a silver and black watch on his wrist. Sporting a stubble beard and moustache, he oozed sexy and made her blush even more.

"I enjoyed chatting with your daughter tonight. She is quite entertaining."

"Yes, she is. She keeps me on my toes."

Glancing at Ignazio as he approached her, Gabby felt herself staring and forced herself to look away. Though the previous two were gorgeous men, they did not make her as nervous as he did. Filled with excitement and nervousness and unable to take a deep breath, she hugged her daughter tighter for added security.

"Hi there," Ignazio said, wiping his hands on his grey trousers before grasping her hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?"

Though she heard herself answer, nothing came out of her mouth except, "Uh..." Horrified that her cheeks must have looked the same colour as his maroon checked shirt, Gabby dropped her gaze and stared at the table beside her.

"Gabrielle," Gianluca answered for her.

"Gabrielle, I'm so glad you came," Ignazio said.

Hearing her name roll off his tongue warmed her soul and tickled her ears. Standing and just looking at each other, Piero filled in the awkward pause.

"Did you enjoy the concert?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, very much so. It was fantastic," Gabby replied, grateful to be looking elsewhere other than at the man who had captured her attention all night.

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