Possibilities? (Chapter 8)

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Entering the pool area, only a few hotel guests were already there. Pulling Addilyn's T-shirt over her head and watching as she ran towards the water's edge, Gabby warned, "Addie, wait until one of us gets there."

"I'll go," Ignazio volunteered, throwing his towel onto the lounger, and untying his robe. Jumping into the water and dunking his head underneath, he pushed his hair back with both hands. Giving Addilyn a splash as she vibrated with excitement, clapping, and holding out his hands, he signalled for her to jump.

"Again!" she squealed each time he brought her back to the surface.

With Gabby only standing a few feet behind her daughter, Ignazio's eyes followed her every movement as she stepped out of her shorts. Where previous girlfriends flaunted their bodies in skimpy bikinis, Gabby's modest ruby swimsuit looked like a one-piece. However, when crossing her arms and pulling her T-shirt over her head, he saw that it was, in fact, a tankini. Her body looked amazing. Possessing a curvy shape, toned arms, and legs, he even loved the little bit of mommy tummy. Completely oblivious to the effect she had on him, her ability to be herself and allow him to do the same made her even more beautiful and desirable.

Surprised when water hit him in the face, he instantly comprehended he had forgotten about Addilyn. Hauling her up to the surface, he made sure she was OK. Seeing Gabby looking at him, he quickly apologized. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, she's fine. Addie, you must wait until Ignazio is ready before jumping." Watching her daughter wiggle her fingers in front of her and exclaim, "I'm ready!" Gabby rolled her eyes.

"Stay there, Momma. Stay there!" Addie demanded as her mother slipped into the pool.

Laughing as Ignazio turned his face away from the onslaught of splashing feet, Gabby reached out for her daughter.

"Good job, my love," she said, pulling Addie in. Motioning for Ignazio to move further back, she asked, "Are you ready to catch her?"

"Go for it," Ignazio answered.

Tossed backward, Addilyn's laughter echoed off the pool walls. Instructed by Ignazio to place her feet on his knees, she shrieked and stretched her arms towards the ceiling as he hoisted her high above his head. Falling straight into the water and brought back to the surface, it was hard to tell who was laughing harder: Ignazio, Addilyn, or her mother.


"Hey, you made it!" Piero said as he untied his bathrobe and approached the pool's edge. "It looks like sooner came a lot faster than we expected. How's the water?"

"It's great," she answered.

Diving in and coming to the surface, Piero teased Gianluca as he stood at the pool's edge. Sending a significant wave of water at him and, inadvertently, at her, he sheepishly apologized, "Oh, I'm sorry."

Prepared for the second wave of water to wash over her when Gianluca tucked his knees to his chest and cannon-balled into the pool, Gabby turned her head and laughed.

"Watch me, guys!" Addilyn shouted, pushing off Ignazio and swimming towards Gianluca.

"Bravo, darling," Gianluca said, lifting her into his arms.

Now that Addilyn was being entertained by his bandmates, Gabby smiled as Ignazio waded over to her. Propping his chin on his forearm and looking sideways over at her, the corner of his lips curled, exposing his dimples. In many of the photos she had seen of him, his eyes always looked a solid shade of dark chocolate. However, standing so close to each other, she recognized they were far from that. Encircled by a black ring around his iris, his pupils were large windows to his soul that disappeared behind long, full lashes every time he blinked. His lips, full and appearing to be soft, made her question what it would be like to feel them against hers. 36 hours ago, he had been a silly, unattainable crush. Sensing it was no longer all one-sided, she questioned whether she was interpreting his signals correctly.

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