Waffles and Bacon (Chapter 18)

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Waking up to her cell phone ringing, with eyes refusing to open, Gabby slapped the side table, searching for the offending sound.


"Good morning," a cheery Italian voice responded.

"Ignazio, what time is it?"

"It's aah... 7:20. I'm sorry, did I call too early?"

"No. What's up?"

"I'm sending you something special this morning, and I wanted you to be awake to receive it."

"What is it?"

"Just something to say that I love you."

"Aww. That's so..." Interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing, Gabby announced, "Oh man, I think it's here already. Someone is at the door."

Hopping out of bed, she rushed down the stairs as the doorbell rang again.

"I'm coming."

Peeking through the side window curtain, she saw who it was.

"Buongiorno, amore mio. Ho qualcosa di speciale per la mia Bella signora."

Pulling a bouquet of mixed flowers out from behind his back, Ignazio leaned forward and gave his love a peck on the cheek.

"These are lovely, thank you."

"Can I come in, or—" looking back over at his car—"should I go back to my hotel and come back later?"

Laughing and stepping to the side, standing on her tiptoes, she hugged him good morning. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she led the way to the kitchen. Setting the flowers on the island, she hauled a chair over to the fridge.

"What are you doing?" Ignazio asked.

"I keep all my vases up here out of the way."

Opening the small cupboard door above the fridge, Gabby stood on tiptoes and reached deep into the cupboard.

"Do you need help?" Ignazio asked, placing his hand on the small of Gabby's back to steady her.

"I got it."

Accepting Ignazio's help getting down, Gabby placed her hands on his shoulders and fell into his arms.

"If I know I will get more flowers, I'll find a lower place to store my vases."

"I can make that happen," Ignazio answered sitting on the chair she had been standing on.

The past few days, they had shared many moments of affection. It didn't matter whether it was quick and sweet, slow, passionate, or somewhere in between; Ignazio was a fantastic kisser, and each one made Gabby's body come alive. Sighing contentedly, she allowed him to rest his head against her chest as he hugged her. Running her fingers through his hair, she asked, "Do you want to help me with breakfast?"

"No, I want to just stay right where I am," Ignazio said, pulling Gabby closer and nuzzling his cheek harder against her chest. "Hum, yes, this is where I want to be." Spotting three dried flowers, one yellow, one peach and one red, hanging upside down on the side of the cupboard, he released his hold on Gabby and said, "You saved the roses. That makes me very happy, and I see you also have my tie. I wondered where it went."

"Sorry. I forgot to tell you I had it. Do you want it back?" she asked, reaching for her flowers to take them down.

"No, no! You can keep it. I have plenty of ties and obviously, didn't miss it!"

"We need some breakfast tunes," she said, pulling her laptop over.

"You know..." Ignazio piped up, popping a slice of banana into his mouth. "I can understand you better, having listened to your selection of music over these past few days."

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