Take My Heart, But Please Don't Break It (Chapter 4)

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*** Any conversation that is in Italian was translated from English to Italian using Google translation. I can only hope that it translated in the way I wanted it to. If you speak Italian please let me know if it does not make sense so that I may correct it**** _____________________________________________________

"Addilyn?" Gianluca questioned, tapping Piero on the arm to stop him from talking. "Why the tears?"

Briefly glancing at them, Piero and Gianluca saw Addilyn's chin quiver. Shaking her head, her eyes downcast, tears dropped onto her dress. Wiping the wetness from her cheek with his thumb, Piero took her by the hand.

"Don't cry!" he said. "Why are you so sad?"

Refusing to look up, Addilyn spoke, in a weakened voice, "They... laughed at me because I said I have Big Love."

"Oh, Bambina," Gianluca said, patting her leg. "They weren't laughing at you. They are happy you love Ignazio. Am I right?" Motioning for the audience to cheer and clap, Gianluca said, "See."

Lifted onto Ignazio's lap, Addilyn didn't bother resisting when he pressed the side of her head to his chest. As the tears continued to trickle down her face, she stared at her hands.

"I think we should sing Addilyn her song now!" Gianluca announced. Turning to speak to his brothers, Gianluca suggested, "Probabilmente lei ama canzoni Disney. Dovremmo cantare, 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight' per Addilyn." Nodding their heads, Gianluca turned to the band. Having informed them of the change, he looked back over at Addilyn.

"This song is for you, darling."

Stroking Addilyn's hair and kissing her head, Ignazio recognized how much of an idiot he was.

"There's a calm surrender," Gianluca started, "to the rush of day when the heat of a rolling world can be turned away..."

Gently coaxing Addie away from his chest, raising her chin and turning her face towards him, Ignazio dried a few tears with his thumb.

"And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are," he sang only to her, and then there it was. It was only a hint of a corner grin, but it was there, and he had seen it. Lifting Addilyn to stand, he stood up and scooping her into his arms, they playfully danced to the music. Hugged around the neck, Ignazio melted into her embrace. Joined by Piero and Gianluca, the four stood together, each with a full smile.

"And can you feel the love tonight..." Addie sang along with them.

Looking at each other, all three boys moved in closer and quieted their voices, so Addilyn's voice was heard.

"It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer..." Hearing the audience cheer and clap, Addie stopped singing. Picking up where she had left off, Ignazio continued, "Come this far."

Signalling for the music to stop, Piero asked, "Addie, will you sing the ending with us?"

Addie nodded her head.

"OK, here we go. And can you feel the love tonight," the three men sang. To-oo—" the theatre went quiet, and then a solo pure voice sang, "night."

Tipped in a dip and kissed on the cheek several times, Addilyn's squeal was the best sound Ignazio had heard that night.

"Bravo!" Piero said, raising Addilyn's arm above her head. "She can sing with us anytime!"

Again, the audience erupted in a wave of continued clapping and cheering.

"So, where is your mommy?" Gianluca asked as Ignazio set her down before jumping off the stage and holding his arms out for her. As all three once again looked in the direction Addie pointed, Ignazio carried her back to where she came from.

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