Future Lays in Just One Answer (Chapter 37)

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Sitting in the audience, Gabby enjoyed watching Ignazio do what brought him great joy: goofing around with Piero and Gianluca, interacting with audience members and, most importantly, singing. For some reason, all three were in an exceptionally playful mood tonight.

Not entirely understanding everything they were saying in Italian, but still enjoying the audience's reaction to the bantering and teasing that was going on, she watched as Ignazio repeatedly had not only Piero and Gianluca doubled over in fits of laughter, but the audience and band members as well.

"Igna," Piero said, "you seem to have so much to say tonight. Do you have anything you want to say about this next song?"

"Aah, yes, thank you. I do."

Looking up to the top balcony of seats and smiling, it wasn't until Gianluca spoke that Ignazio looked back at them.

"Please, Ignazio," Gianluca said, "We have already been here a long time, and I am sure these folks will eventually want to go home. So, get on with it."

"Take all the time you want," someone shouted, causing the venue to roar with laughter.

"See, they want to hear what I have to say," Ignazio added.

"Tapping his watch and motioning with his hand for Ignazio to speed it up, Gianluca shook his head and walked back to the piano for a drink of water.

"Usually, I sing this next song with just Gianluca," Ignazio said. "But tonight, Piero has agreed to join us. It is a song of love, of yearning to be with the person who has your heart. And unconditional love is the most beautiful thing to experience."

"And songs of love," Gianluca said, returning to stand beside his bandmate, "need to be sung to a beautiful woman, right?"

"Right," Ignazio answered.

Carrying on a conversation with Ignazio about famous songs to serenade women with, Gianluca stopped and threw his hands in the air.

"Piero where are you going?" he asked.

"We need a beautiful woman, and I am going to go get her."

Walking towards her row, Gabby's eyes met Piero's.

What are you doing?

"Come with me," Piero said, reaching over the two people beside her.

"No, I'm good," she said, slinking back in her seat.

"Go with him," the woman beside her said as the man at the end of her row stood up and moved to the aisle to make room for Piero to reach her.

"Come with me," he repeated, grasping her hand, and giving it a gentle tug. "Please."

"Piero, are you coming back, or are Gianluca and I now a duo?" Ignazio hollered, causing the audience to laugh.

The audience was all for it. Clapping and cheering once she stood, she locked eyes with Ignazio.

"Alright," Piero said, beaming, "I brought us the beautiful girl; now what?"

Pulling a stool forward and stepping in front to block her view of the audience, Ignazio whispered, "Just keep looking at me."

"We should sing, si?" Gianluca added.

"Si," Ignazio chimed in. "But first, I have something more to say about love."

"Igna, we have the girl, we have the band, we have the romantic lighting," Gianluca said as the lights dimmed, causing the audience to cheer. "What more do you need to say? People want to hear us sing. She..." pointing to Gabby, "wants to hear us sing. Am I right?"

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