Decisions (Chapter 34)

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A far cry from the ten days that they were initially going to stay, it was now going on a month and a half. Hoping to be back home in Canada for her birthday, Gabby sat quietly and listened as the boys and Michelle tried to work out a way for Ignazio to accompany her and Addilyn home.

So long as Ignazio put in some long hours over these next few days, Piero and Gianluca would do the promotional interviews that could not be moved and he would be able to get away for a week and a half. Excited, Gabby thanked Michele, Gianluca and Piero.

"If Ignazio's tracks for this new album don't all get laid down, he will not be able to go. You understand that, right?" Michele asked.

"I totally understand," Gabby answered. Hugging Michele, she added, "I'll take whatever you give me."

Leaving the office and walking to the elevator, Gabby squeezed Ignazio's hand.

"We could be home in time to celebrate my birthday!" Not hearing any response back, Gabby stopped. "Ignazio, I know you're upset that we're leaving, and this holiday didn't turn out how we had hoped, but it's time for Addilyn and me to go home."

"Gabby, I want so much for your home to be here with me. I can take care of you and Addilyn. Please stay!"

"Ignazio, I can't," she said, cupping his face.

"You can't?" he said, pulling his head back, "or you won't?"

About to respond to Ignazio's curt tone but spotting two men exiting an office, Gabby cooled her temper. Reaching out and touching his arm, she quietly spoke, "With all that has happened, I have to go home. I need to go home." Finding her emotions coming to the surface, she hugged Ignazio securely. "I'm not leaving right away; we still have lots of time together."

"That's not good enough anymore."

"What did you just say?" Gabby asked, stepping back as her eyes narrowed, her spine stiffened, and her cheeks grew hot.

"You heard me."

Gabby turned and faced the elevator. Pushing the button to signal for it to come, the more she thought about Ignazio's last response, the angrier she became. Giving the two men a tight smile as they approached, she was grateful for the ding that signalled the elevator's arrival. Staring at the numbers and silently counting them as they passed each floor, she refused to look at Ignazio.

"Grazie," she said politely to the gentleman who held his hand out to hold back the door till she could exit. Walking through the parking structure, she and Ignazio did not speak to one another.

"Gabby, I'm sorry," Ignazio said, grasping her arm before opening the passenger door.

Jerking her arm out of his grasp, she said nothing and only slid into the front seat.


Growing up, when things got heated between her mother and her, both knew they needed time to cool off before coming back to work things out. Discovering that Ignazio was like her late husband, she understood he wanted to talk things out, but still emotionally sensitive, she didn't have the capacity to even try. Unable to erase the shock and hurt caused by Ignazio's harsh words, staring out the side window, the beautiful Italian countryside she had come to love blurred into nothing. Was this it? Was wanting to go home going to be the thing that tore them apart? She and Addilyn had been having a marvellous time, and she had seriously considered returning with her daughter for the whole summer. She had even checked to see what the requirements for certification to teach in Italy would be. Do-able, she was warming up to the idea of moving here; her Italian was coming along, and she had made new friendships. The clincher was still her parents and her in-laws. Having almost lost Addilyn, she wasn't sure she was ready to be so far away from her family. Besides, with Ignazio touring so much, it was still just her and her daughter. Same situation, just a different location.

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