Gotta Get It Done (Chapter 27)

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Waking just before her alarm went off, Gabby reached for her phone. Silencing the alarm, she rolled over to face Ignazio. Still sound asleep she did not want to wake him. Crawling out of bed, she used the light from her phone to maneuver her way across the room. Grabbing her dress and shoes she slowly turned the deadbolt on the door. Grateful he did not stir, Gabby headed up to Barbara's room. Hopefully she was as deep a sleeper as Ignazio.

Sliding her key into Barbara's door, Gabby pushed it open only to have it catch on the interior security latch. Making a horrible racket that echoed down the silent hallway, Gabby regretted having come upstairs.

"Gabby is that you?" she heard Barbara ask from the other side of the door.


Entering Barbara's room, Gabby apologized for the rude awakening, adding, "I've just come to get a change of clothes." Watching as Barbara lumbered back to her bed, Gabby said, "Again, I'm sorry for having woken you."

"That's fine," Barbara said, crawling back under the warm covers.

Using the light from her cell phone instead of a side table lamp, Gabby grabbed her change of clothes. Entering the bathroom without turning on the light and closing the door, she ran her hand along the bathroom wall, shielding her eyes from the light's blinding glare with her other hand. Setting her clothes on the counter, Gabby traced her fingertips over her features as she studied her face in the mirror. Though she had barely enough sleep, that was OK. She could take a nap on the flight back. Undressing and stepping into the shower, she only stayed there long enough to wash all the hairspray out of her hair.

Emerging, feeling more awake, she threw on a pair of dark-washed skinny jeans and her newest Kate knitted Christmas present: a variegated two-toned blue and cream-coloured sweater. Comfortable but not baggy or sloppy, she pushed the sleeves up. Swiping her hand across the steam-covered mirror, a different Gabby looked back at her. After six months of Ignazio saying she was beautiful, she finally believed it. Creating a softer makeup than she had done the night before, she smiled in satisfaction.

I think we're good.

Flicking off the light and cautiously opening the door again, the main sleeping area remained dark. Peeking around the corner, she was happy to see that Barbara had fallen asleep once more. Using her cell phone to help her find some socks, she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the steel blue-coloured woolen socks up. Then, slipping her feet into her winter boots, she slouched her socks down over the top. Sliding a room key into the front pocket of her jeans, she grimaced when unbolting the door, the noise once again echoed in the silent room.

Pausing at Ignazio's door, Gabby shook her head in disbelief. Her first mistake was using a key to Barbara's room. Her second, not remembering to grab a key to Ignazio's. This was not turning out to be a great start to a new day. Grumbling, she pondered her other options. She could go to the front desk and request a key but, not an actual registered guest, there was no way they would do that. Option two, she could go get some breakfast, thus giving her man some extra time to possibly wake up on his own. However, that would mean leaving the hotel. Besides the undeniable truth that Ignazio would be livid, she had no debit card as her wallet was behind the closed door. With no other option but to wake Ignazio, she called his cell.

"Ciao," a growly voice spoke.

"Igna, it's me. I'm sorry for waking you but I forgot to take a key with me, and I'm locked out of your room."


"I'm locked out of your room."

"Umm, where are you?"

"I'm in the hallway. I have no keycard. Can you please let me in."

"Hold on. I'm coming."

"Sorry," she said, looking at the exhausted man, bare-chested and wearing navy sweatpants, standing in front of her.

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