A Mother's Enquiry (Chapter 30)

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Sipping her wine, Gabby listened as Addilyn, Ignazio, and his parents talked about preschool, the beach, and every other topic Addilyn brought up. Just as he had predicted, his parents had fallen instantly in love with her daughter, and though she was optimistic that Ignazio's mother was saving her judgement for later, Caterina's soft face, warm smile and kind eyes gave no hint of dislike. It wasn't until being left alone with her to clean up the meal dishes that nerves once again gripped Gabby's stomach muscles.

"Come," Caterina said, pointing back to the table. "Let's sit."

Wringing the dishcloth and placing it beside the sink, Gabby sat kitty-corner to Ignazio's mother. Speaking first, Gabby said, "Thank you for making me feel welcome. I was super anxious about meeting you and your husband."

"You don't need to be nervous. Ignazio has always been forthcoming with us," Caterina said, smiling. "He told us all about you and Addilyn as soon as he got home from America."

"I hope I live up to everything he has said," Gabby blurted out before she could stop herself.

Chuckling, Caterina grasped Gabby's hand. Looking at the sapphire ring, she sadly spoke, "I am sorry that you lost your husband. It is wrong for someone so young to lose someone she loves that way."

"Ignazio told you I was once married?"

"He did. When Ignazio told us he had met you, initially, we were concerned about him being in a relationship with a woman who had a child." Stumbling to find the right words to express what she wanted to say in English, Caterina paused. "It wasn't because we didn't think he could be a family man; Ignazio has always loved kids. It was because he doesn't lead a normal life, and a child needs stability and routine. As a mother, you understand what I am saying, yes?"

"I do. My parents felt the same way."

"Your parents, they did not like that my son, and you were dating?"

"It's not that they didn't like that we were dating; it was just because it was a long-distance relationship, and Addilyn was already so attached to him. My mom quickly warmed up to the idea after I spoke to her, and she was fine once she met him. But my father... he would not be so easily swayed by Ignazio's charm. I think what won my dad over was seeing how Ignazio treated Addilyn and me when he came for his visit in August. I know the two of them had a private talk a few days before he left. Though neither would tell me what they spoke about, they must have worked things out because both bonded over teasing me unmercifully."

"And you," Caterina asked, "How do you feel about my son? Did you have concerns?"

"At first I did, but now, no. I love your son with all my heart. He is an amazing man, and I could not ask for a more kind, attentive and affectionate person. Both you and your husband raised him extremely well. When it comes to Addilyn, he always surprises me with how well he interacts with her." Feeling tears welling up, Gabby looked towards the backyard. Feeling Caterina squeeze her hand, exhaling, she quietly continued. "It was hard for me to open myself up to being in love again. I had only been in one other serious long-term relationship, and that was with Addilyn's father."

Wiping away a stray tear, Gabby pulled out her phone. Scrolling through her gallery, she pulled up a picture of a quote.

"My best friend sent this to me after Ignazio had returned home in the summer."

Passing her phone to Caterina, she let her read it.

Passing her phone to Caterina, she let her read it

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