Home Sweet Home (Chapter 17)

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"Welcome home, Ignazio."

Stepping into the house, Ignazio instantly felt at home. Though pleasantly decorated and well kept, everywhere he looked, there was evidence that a family lived there. Drawn to Addilyn's art table, he couldn't help but touch the papers on the desk. Picking up a marker, he easily imagined Addilyn drawing the three pictures that would change everyone's life. Picking up a silver frame sitting on the corner of her table, he beamed, seeing the photo of him and Addilyn laughing in the rowboat. Ignazio loved this home. Though he loved his house, it lacked something, and he could never figure out what it was. Now he knew. Filled with life, love, and activity, this was a home and not just a house.

"Ignazio," Gabby called out from the kitchen, "are you ready to meet Finnegan?"


Hearing Gabby say excitedly, "Who's here, Finny? Who's here? Let's go see," he laughed at the sound of paws trying to get traction on a slick kitchen floor. Racing around the corner, a blur of fur came straight for him.

"Finnegan, off the couch!" Gabby ordered.

Obeying, Finnegan sat at Ignazio's feet, but vibrating with excitement, he hopped back up a few seconds later.

"Finnegan, I said down!"

"It's cool. I don't mind."

Licking Ignazio's hand and snuggling against his leg, Finn made himself comfortable. However, sitting Gabby on his lap, Finnegan became alert.

"Are you your Momma's protector or are you just jealous?" he asked.

Resting one paw on Ignazio and pawing at his owner, Finn looked up at Gabby and panted.

"Yes, you are my good boy," she said, ruffling his head.


"We're here!" Bob hollered as he, Elly, and Addilyn entered the house.

Instructing Addilyn to wash up, Gabby took what was left of the cake from her father while Ignazio took Elly's leftovers. Hearing Addilyn holler for help, she excused herself, leaving Ignazio alone with her parents.

"I'm so glad to have this chance to get to know the two of you and your daughter better."

"We're glad you came," Elly responded while Bob remained quiet. "The two of you need this time together."

"Yes, we do."

Squirming slightly under the watchful stare of Gabby's father, excusing himself to get the gifts he had brought, Ignazio left the room.

"Behave yourself," Elly said, wagging her finger at her husband.

"All right," Gabby said, coming back with Addilyn, "Let's open some presents."

"Yay!" Addilyn shouted, plopping herself on the floor. "Where's Ignazio?"

"He left," Bob said.

"Dad! What did you do?" Gabby said, scowling.

"He just went out to the truck to get his gifts," her mother said, rubbing her daughter's arm.

"Oh, OK. Dad, promise me you won't drill Ignazio with too many questions today. He is here for two weeks, and you will have plenty of opportunities to do that later."

"Oh, believe me. I will use every minute I have to see what kind of man he is. If I don't feel that he is right for you, I will voice my opinion." Hugging his daughter, Bob confessed, "Your mother has already warned me to behave, and so long as I see nothing of concern, I'll keep quiet."

"You don't have to keep quiet; just talk to me privately."

Kissing his daughter's forehead, Bob said, "Will do."

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