Melody 1 ~ The Discussion?

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" Princess, you have to wake up. Her highness has summoned your accompany." My bodyguard said while waking me up.

"Mother has summoned me?!" I sat up straight on my bed.

Without wasting time, I rush to take a quick shower and dress myself up. I went straight to the dining hall to find my father eating his breakfast and my mother who is waiting for me.

" Good morning Mother, Father." I said while doing a curtsy. " Did you summoned me, Mother?"

" Yes, I did. Your father and me has something to discuss with you. For now, have your breakfast. Then meet us at the garden." Mother said in a stern voice.

I nodded to her orders and was eating my breakfast quietly. " It's a pity you can't sleep longer. You have a terrible dark circle under your eyes." So Hyun hyung chuckle while pointing to my eyes.

So Hyun hyung is my bodyguard and also my friend. He is the only one who is willing to talk to me and be my friend. The other servants and bodyguards are too scared to talk to me as they could be thrown out from this palace if they talk to me without informality like how So Hyun hyung is talking to me right now.

" Thanks for your consern hyung. I pulled an all-nighter yesterday. In fact, I'm still feeling sleepy and wished to resume my sleep..." I say to So Hyun hyung with a sullen face.

"What were you doing yesterday until you had to pull an all-nighter? Anyway, I think you better get going. Her highness might already be waiting for you." Hyung said.

With that in mind, I make my way to the garden to find my mother with a thick file on the table beside her. Oooo, I think I knew where this discussion is going. I felt like running away after I knew what we are going to discuss about..

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