Melody 24 ~ Chanyeol's Jagiya

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Annyeong!! I'm so sorry for the late update but I was busy working.. Anyway, I'm making a new fanfic about EXO and it is totally different from this fanfic. 6 of the EXO members will be girls!! So, I hope you guyz will help to support my new story when I publish it and enjoy reading my new update!! Anyway, Gomawo for the 5.1K readers!! ^~^

(Kris's POV)

All of us were shock at who was Chanyeol's girlfriend. Who would thought that she will belong to Chanyeol. The one who can't believe the most is obviously Baekhyun as he will definitely feel regret losing Chanyeol for Yumii only to found out that Chanyeol is even more lucky.  All of us is basically staring at them right now. Chanyeol is seating at the sofa while his girl is seating on his lap with her hands around Chanyeol's neck and his hands around her slender waist. All of us were in a state of shock when Suho suddenly started talking.

(Suho)"So... This is your girlfriend? You're kidding right? Tell me this is a dream.." He said while pinching his cheek to check whether he is really dreaming but only to found it hurting.

(Chanyeol)"Hyung ah... Why can't you just believe it.. She is my girlfriend.. Whether you guys think this is a dream or reality, it's up to you guys but either way, she is still my girlfriend.." He said while giving a smile to his girl.

(Kris)"This is just so sudden.. How did she even became your girlfriend? I bet this was a last minute decision right? If not, you would not have fought with Baekhyun.. You even said that you were lonely.. So, please explain the whole story.." I ask him and he chuckle. Just when he is about to talk, he was cut out..

(Girl)"Sure.. I will be pleased to tell you in behalf of my honey.. Yes, it was a last minute decision. I thought this is the best way to help my honey from being lonely.. He didn't force me nor threaten me to be his girl but I myself volunteer.. Actually, it's been awhile since I like him.. He is kind of my dream guy and I really wish he was my boyfriend.. Yes, I know you will definitely ask me why didn't I confess my feelings to him earlier.. I wanted to but in my mind, there was this person who is quite important to me and it was hard for me to forget this someone.. But after seeing my honey in this state, I told myself that I should just forget about this someone and focus only on my honey, who needs me more.. So, there you have it. Our love story.. If you want to know, this is not a one sided relationship.. My honey here too, have feelings for me but was unsure of it until just now.." She said and gave Chanyeol an 'I Love You' look.

(Sehun)"Then.. What will happen to the rest of us? Are you not going to hang out with us anymore?" Our maknae ask while pouting.

(Chanyeol)"Don't give us that look Sehunnie.. You know we can't help but feel pity towards you when you do that.. But to answer your question, Yes and Nope.. Yes because we will be rarely hanging out with you guys now and nope because we will still be hanging out.. For the other question, you need to ask my jagiya about that.." He said and face his girl.

(Girl)"Erm.. I don't need to tell you guys right? You guys understand what the answer will be even without me telling.. It breaks my heart to tell you guys the answer... But we still can be friends.. If you guys want to, that is.." She told us while looking sad.

(Baekhyun)"I.. I can't believe this... I trusted you and you betrayed me! I tried to Love you to the fullest and this is what I get?! I make my whole effort to forget Channie to Love you, just to get nothing while Channie who did nothing, gets you?! What should I do to make you Love me? What? I'm doing the hardest that I can to make our group look like normal guys group rather then gays, I cried every night making myself forget Channie and I get nothing in return?! I know I can't ask you guys for help because I'm the reason why people think our group is gay.. I'm always too clingy with Channie that even our managers and our company President had notice all of our relationship.. I bet you guys will ask me how I know all this.. To tell you guys the truth, President called me to his office a few weeks ago telling me about this whole thing. He said that if we does not broke off our relationship with one another, he will disband our group! I didn't want to bother you guys and make you guys go all crazy. So, I took the responsibility.. I know I should tell you guys but I'm the reason for this problem and I know President has eyes all around me to keep a look out.. So to clear this problem, I must fall in love with a girl to show President that we have broke off our relationship.. He knows that you guys began to be together after me and Channie makes thing official between us.. To the President, if I were to fall in love with a girl, it means that you guys will also follow my footstep.." Baekhyun shouted while still crying hard. Then, Yumii walk towards Baekhyun and hug him tight.

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