Melody 12 ~ My Secret & Seniors?

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Annyeong! Bian for the late update.. Am very busy lately.. So, hope you guyz can understand.. Enjoy!! ^~^

(Yumii's POV)

I was making my way to the next lesson when I realised I didn't know which lesson I'm going for next. Clueless, I checked my schedule. It stated there that my next lesson was 'Drama' and my class is at block 2A, Drama theater. Without wasting more time, I made my way to class while thinking who could my trainers be...

When I reach at the Drama theater , i saw that there were 3 girls inside the theater talking with 2 guys and somehow, 1 of the guy look so familiar. Without wasting time, i knock on the theater door before coming in. "Yumii!! We meet again!! i'm so happy that i'm your trainer for this lesson!! i have lots of experience in variety shows, you know!!" The familiar voice greeted me while pulling me to the 3 girls and a guy that was seated at a chair.

"Hey, Hyunnie sunbae! Nice seeing you again! I thought that this lesson is going to be awkward as I don't know who my trainers are... but lucky me, you're one of my trainers..." I said to him before following right behind him.

"So, you are Yumii? I see.. I thought you are going to be like most girls; arrogant, rude and act all innocent. . but I see that you are really like what my dongsaeng here, said to me.." One of girls said smiling while patting Hyunnie sunbae shoulder and it made sunbae blush."Anyway, forget that.. My name is Taeyeon and here on the left is Seohyun and on my right is Sunny.. We are going to be your drama trainers.. together with Baekhyun and Suho.." She added.

"Oo... Hi then!! My name is Song Yumii and hope to have a great time training with you unnies' and sunbaes'!" I said cheerfully. "Anyway, can I give you guys a nickname..? I already gave Hyunnie sunbae a nickname.. So I also want to give you all a nickname too..." I added and said it with a puppy dog face.

The guy name Suho then suddenly spoke up,"Sure.. I guess Luhan, Kai and Sehun also has a nickname already right?"

"Yup! I call them Lulu sunbae, Hunhun sunbae and Kai sunbae! Don't we feel like we are already closer?!" I said while smiling."Then.. How about you, unnies? Is it ok if I give you a nickname?" I added while looking at them, who are trying to control their laughter.

"Sure! It sounds cute!" Seohyun unnie replied. I then jump up from happiness. "Thank you very much, unnie!! Then, I will call Seohyun unnie, Sese unnie.. And for Taeyeon unnie, I will call you... Yeye unnie while I call Sunny unnie... Susu unnie...Is that ok?" I asked.

"Sure its ok! It's so cute and easy to remember! Thanks Yumii!" Susu unnie told me and I blush."Aaa!! You're so cute!! Makes me want to hug you!!" She added.

"Ooo, ya.. I will call Suho sunbae just the way it is.. So, now all my trainers so far have a nickname each!! I'm so happy!!" I said and Hyunnie sunbae looks depressed. "Hyunnie sunbae... What's wrong? Are you ok?" I asked and he pouted at me." I thought I'm the only one you gave a nickname cause I'm someone special and close to you.. Now, I see... I'm not special.." he said while still pouting. 'He look so cute when he's pouting! Looks like a kitten not getting its favourite toy!!' I screamed inside my mind.

"It's ok sunbaenim... You are still special.." I said while looking at him. "How am I special?" he ask and I answered,"You're special as you are the most cutest and first sunbae that I have ever had here.."

"Jinjja?! Yay!! So, I am special to you!" He was so happy that he suddenly hug me making me blush deep red.

" A/a-ya! Why are you hugging my cute dongsaeng! I haven't even hug her yet!" Susu unnie scolded Hyunnie sunbae and sunbae suddenly realises what he had done and immediately let me go. Sese unnie, Yeye unnie and Suho sunbae only laugh at our skit. 'It's going to be a fun drama lesson!' I said to myself while still laughing as Susu unnie still nagging at Hyunnie sunbae while he just copied everything that unnie did...

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