Melody 10 ~ My Exclusive Trainers

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It has been 3 minutes since we sat at the staircase to talk but I had no idea what to say to him. While I was busy thinking, he has been staring at my face the whole time. Because of the action he did, I suddenly remembered something.

"Mr, do you still remember the promise that I made with you the other day?" I asked.

"Geureom! That is why I'm waiting for your answer.. So, where did you see me at?" He ask me curiously.

"I think I already know where. I saw you at my friends room.. That is why you look so familiar.." I said.

"Your friends room?! I've never when to any girls room before! Don't accuse me of something I never do! If you don't like me to be here, you can tell me directly! Not by accusing me like that! It hurts me even more!" He suddenly rage and shouted at me.

"Ooo, I'm sorry but it's true.. I really saw you at my friends room.. There really is a lot of you.. She's kind of your biggest fan..." I said with my head facing downwards.

"Ack?! You mean posters of me??" He suddenly lowered his voice and ask me confusingly.

"Yup.. What do you think I was talking about? How can you even personally go to my friends house.. If you were there, she definitely freak out and pass out.." I reply back and this time I look at him.

"Ooo, i see... I'm sorry for shouting at you then.. I thought you were accusing me because you didn't want me here.. Bian..." He said while giving me a pitiful look.

" Gwaenchanh-a.. It's actually my fault... I'm the one that confuse you with my words.. So Mr, why are you here? Are you schooling here too?" I ask.

"Yup! I'm a second year, Advanced Class and I'm from SM Entertainment. By the way, my name is Baekhyun. So stop calling me 'Mr', ok?..." He gave me a wink and smile at me. His smile was so gorgeous that my heart melted. How can he be so sweet and handsome at the same time. I think now I know why Eung Gie is so obsess with him. He is like an angel that has fallen from the sky.Oh, how I wish I can stare at his face longer. Then I heard a voice calling me.

"Yumii shii? Yumii shii? Can you hear me?" I saw him inches away from my face and was waving his hands in front of me. I then suddenly snap out from my daydreaming.

"Omo! Sorry! I was dazing away just now... What did you just say?" I suddenly ask him full of embarrassment.

"I ask whether you are schooling here and what agency are you with..." He told me slowly so that I could understand him.

"Oh, I see.. I am studying here. I'm currently a first year, Standard Class. I'm also under SM which makes you my senior.. So can I call you Hyunnie sunbae?" I ask him and gave him a puppy dog face.

"Fine.. As long as you don't call me 'Mr' anymore.. By the way, don't you have an orientation going on?" He asked.

"Omo! You reminded me again.. Gomawo.. Hope to see you later, Hyunnie sunbaenim!" I ran up the stairs while thanking and waving him goodbye.

"I bet you are going to see me often from now on!" He shouted while waving at me back. I just chuckled softly and ran to the dance studio.

It took me a full 10 minutes to reach there. When I reached, I saw the dance studio was dark and empty. Feeling tired, I lay on the wooden floor of the dance studio and sigh. Unknowingly, I fall asleep on the floor while thinking of the fate that I have...

(Baekhyun's POV)

After I saw that she was out of my sight, I went to the private lounge at Block 3A*. Block 3A* and 3B* is exclusively for idols that have debuted but is studying at SSA to increase their talents and knowledge on being a better idol.

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