Melody 16 ~ The Confession

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Sorry guys for the late update.. Exam was around the corner and had to had an emergency study.. I hope you guys like my story so far..Hope you guys will enjoy this chap and dont forget to vote and comment.. Gomawo and happy reading!!

(Yumii's POV)

"What is happening here? Why are they all drunk? Isn't this beer not that strong? Eck! My head is starting to spin and Eung Gie just can't stop giving me this can of beer! Argh! Can someone please help me stop Eung Gie?!" I said in my head and as if someone heard my thoughts, he took the beer can from Eung Gie and drink it one shot.

He then said to Eung Gie,"Eung Gie yah.. You have no beers left to pass to Yumii.. So, just go to sleep alright?" To my surprise, Eung Gie just nodded and lay down on the sofa. "Yumii... Are you alright? Are you drunk? Can you hear me?" He said to me after he had cover the sleeping Eung Gie with a blanket.

"Gomawo sunbae.. I'm alright.. My head is only spinning a little.. I'll be ok later on.. Erm, Sunbae.. Can you help me check whether the beer is a strong kind or just a normal one?" I told him and he immediately went and check the beer can that he is holding. "It says here that its 100% alcohol.. So, i guess it's the strong kind.. Why do you ask Yumii?" He ask me. "What?! I guess now i know the reason why they are drunk.. I'm just asking as usually Eung Gie don't get this drunk just by drinking 2 cans of beer.. Anyway sunbae, can you help me up? My head is kind of spinning.." I ask while giving out my hand.

He than pull me up but because my head was spinning, my footing wasn't stable and i fall back down with sunbae as he was holding my hand. "Ouch!! I'm sorry that i pull you with me.. Are you ok, sunbae?" I ask while rubbing my head and looking at D.O sunbae who is on top of me. " Gwaenchanh-a.. I'm ok.. only my palms are hurt.. no big deal.." He said while giving me a smile and our eyes met at that moment. We look into each other eyes for quite sometime and I began to blush. That was the first time I saw D.O sunbae looking so manly and serious. He is usually shy, cute and loveable but this D.O sunbae is different as I can sense it from the way he look at me.

"D.O sunbae.. I think we should bring the other sunbaes to their rooms.. They will get a back ache if they continue to sleep like that.." I said while averting from his gaze and trying to sit up but all D.O sunbae did was pushing me back down to the floor and cupped my face with his hands so that, I will face him straight in the eye.

"Yumii.. Look at me.. Can you focus on me for now? I need to tell you something important that I can only say once... Please.." He pleaded as I'm still averting from his gaze but because he sounded serious, I stop averting my gaze and look at him while blushing.

(D.O) "Thanks Yumii... Now, I need you to listen carefully.. I will only say this once and once only as it is embarrassing... Ok.. Actually.. I.. I ki...I kind of..."

(Yumii) "Kind of??"

(D.O) "I kind of have feelings for you.. I've been feeling this since just now, when we met at the hall... I know that I have only known you for one day but I feel that you're different.. You're more matured and you don't dress up nicely just to impress guys like other girls. Instead, you be yourself and just go with the flow... You are also pure minded and has a kind heart.. You're also weird but that what makes you more special.. What I'm trying to say here is... Will you be mine and mine only??" He ask while blushing deep red but still looking straight into my eyes.

After hearing what he said, I didn't know what to say or what to do. I just look at him blankly, still processing what had happen.'What's this? Is this a prank or is it just my imagination? Did D.O sunbae just confess to me?Omo! What should I do now?! Is he really serious or is he just drunk? Argh! Seriously! I'm confuse!!' My mind is shouting.

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