Melody 23 ~ Feelings

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Annyeong!! Gomawo for all the votes, adding to your reading list and following me!! Really glad that you guys like it but can I ask a favor? Can you guys help me by commenting too? It's like a feedback form for me so I know how my story is doing for you guys.. Really thank you.. Anyway, here's a new chap for all my readers out there! Enjoy!!

(Yumii's POV )

After the whole incident, I close the door only to found Yeollie sunbae right behind me, only inches apart. His face was so close to mine that I can feel this breath right on my face. I don't know what he is doing but he was looking at my face so carefully but full of seriousness. He then touch my forehead.

(Chanyeol)"What are you doing? Why did you open the door? You are having a fever and suppose to rest but you went and open the door just to let me have my sleep?" He ask while caressing my cheek. I blush slightly because of his gentle touch.

(Yumii)"It was nothing Yeollie sunbae. I'm ok now thanks to you.. I'm so sorry to trouble you into taking care of me.. You should not worry too much about me.." I reply back to him while making my way to the bed but suddenly I began to turn dizzy and trip on my foot. Thank goodness Yeollie sunbae caught me on time before I fell.

(Chanyeol)"You call this 'ok'? You have got to be kidding me. You are still sick! Come here, I will bring you to the bed.." He said sternly while carrying me bridal style to the bed. He then laid me down on the bed and cover me up with a blanket. Afterwards, he went to the kitchen and came back with a tray. On the tray, there is a bowl of porridge, a cup of warm tea, a glass of warm water and some medicine for my fever I guess.

(Yumii)"What's that for Yeollie sunbae? If that is for me, I'm not eating.. I'm not hungry.." I said and he gave me a stern look before sitting down on the chair beside my bed.

(Chanyeol)"There is no way you're not eating. You're sick and need to eat your medicine. To do so, you need to eat. You can't eat your medicine with an empty stomach. So here, say 'aah..'" He said while bringing a spoon full of porridge in front of my mouth. I then open my mouth wide and he fed me the porridge. This continue until the bowl was empty and clean. He then helped me wipe my mouth and gave me the warm tea to drink.

(Yumii)"Yeollie sunbae.. Here, I have finish drinking it.. Anyway sunbae, why are you suddenly so kind to me? If you're taking care of me because you think it was your fault that I got sick, you really don't have to you know.. Please don't blame yourself for my own action.." I said and look at him in the eyes but he averted his gaze from me.

(Chanyeol)"It's nothing really.. Yes, I did take care of you because I feel guilty.. And also because I want to repay your kindness for being here for me when noone does.." He said while slightly blushing and giving me the glass of warm water and the medicine. I then smile back to him before eating the medicine.

(Yumii)" Erm.. Yeollie sunbae... Can I ask you something? But if you can't answer it, it's ok.." I said and he nodded. "Why did you suddenly change, sunbae? You used to be a cheerful and carefree person but now you're all sad and moody.. You also seem to be lonely.. Did you had a fight with the other sunbaes?" I ask and he seem shocked at my question.

(Chanyeol)"Ok.. I will tell you.. Because if I don't, I will feel guilty for life.. But will you promise me not to be angry at me?" He ask me and I nodded. "Actually, I fought with Baekkie.. I was in the..." He then began to tell me the whole incident that happen in the Music Room this morning.

(Yumii)"So, you're telling me that you're jealous that Hyunnie sunbae likes me and you want to use me to get revenge on him? Wow! How can I process that.." I said looking surprised.

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