Melody 7 ~ The Audition

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( Hey guyz! Hope you like the story so far and hope that it's not too boring.. Anyway, from this chap onwards, it wil be very very long.. Hope you guyz wont mind but after this chap, it will be more exciting! I'll try! Enjoy reading and comment k! >~<♥♡♥♡ )

The night is so short that I never got any sleep. All I was doing was thinking about the audition that I'm going for. I was excited and nervous at the same time. This audition that I'm going for is very popular and is known throughout the whole of South Korea. On the day of the audition, teenagers from all around Korea come to Seoul School of the Arts for their chance to be qualify into that school. Only the best of the best might get a chance to enter as the judges of the audition is strict and expect nothing but excellence performance. Because of it's high standards and popularity, this audition is being known as ' The Event ' as it's the biggest audition ever held in Korea. 'The Event' also has it's own date in the calender and when the day comes, teenagers from all over South Korea is being excused from school just so that they can attend the audition if they want to. Just thinking about it makes me even more nervous and worried. Just then, the alarm clock rang to tell us that it's already 7 in the morning.

" Eung Gie ah! Wake up! It's already 7am and it's time for us to get ready! If we don't get ready now, the queue for the registration will be long and our audition will confirm be cancelled or delayed to the next day!" I yelled at Eung Gie to wake her up.

"Ok ok.. I'm waking up... But I'm still sleepy... I can't even sleep a wink last night..." She said while rubbing her eyes and yawning loudly.

"Omo! You too? But whats your reason? For me it's because I'm nervous.." I told her.

"I will tell you after I bath ok.. I want to refresh myself first.." She reply back to me and shut the bathroom door.

I had to wait almost half and hour for Eung Gie to finish bathing. After she came out of the bathroom, I shouted at her, " What took you so long! Look! Now is already 7.30 am and we have not even had breakfast!! We're so late!!"

"I'm soorry.... I accidentally d..." Before she even finished her sentence, I have already ran to the bathroom with my towel and shut the door.

Because I was panicking,  I finish bathing by five minutes and was rushing to dress myself up while Eung Gie was doing her makeup. She had worn a cream foundation and light pink blusher. To touch it up, she applied white and silver eyeshadow with an eyeliner and a black mascara to thicken her eyelashes. She then wears a baige pink lipgloss to match her outfit and simple hairdo. I was impressed at her effort to make herself pretty. I then look at myself and compare to her. I was nothing as near stunning as her. I was wearing a short brown jeans and an oversized light blue top that's tied to the side with a messy bun hairdo. I was also wearing a simple make-up with just a mascara and a light pink lip gloss to top it off. Wow! we look completely different from one another.

"Are you done yet, Ailee?" Eung Gie asked me while wearing a black 2 inch sneakers .

"Yup! All done!" I replied and took my guitar from the bed and wear a white pump shoe.

"Ok! Lets rock the audition!" Eung Gie shouted with excitement.

"Yup! Hwaiting!" I replied back.

Then we went out of the house and took a cab. It took around half and hour to forty five minutes before we reached Seoul School of the Arts. I was amazed with how big and grand the school was. It was like a palace for the king and queen of an english family to live in. The building was six storey high and was like 5 and a half kilometres long if you were to run around it. I can't believe that idols to be, train here and there must be few students here as it was build last two years. Haizz.. This makes me more nervous. When we got off the cab, we saw a long queue at the registration counter and I glare at Eung Gie.

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