Melody 26 ~ The Revelation[Part 1]

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Annyeong everyone! I know this will is a sudden announcement but this story is coming to an end.. I know some might not believe it but it really is.. I don't know whether I should write a sequel for this story.. So, I need your help.. Please comment about your opinion on me making a sequel for this story.. Other then that, Enjoy the story and happy reading!!♥♡

(Yumii's POV)

Time has past by very fast and it has already been 3 months. My vocals is improving and my dancing skills is getting better while playing instruments is a piece of cake for me now. My birthday is getting nearer by day, so is the ELE (Entry Level Exam). The ELE is open for only year one students that is interested. The ELE will gives a chance to the student who has passed the exam to be in the idols class next term. And if you were to be in the idol class, that only means that you are only one step away from debuting! I'm really looking forward for ELE but I heard that it is very hard and it is harder then the academy yearly exam. I just wish I can make it and pass the exam. Anyway, you guys must be wanting to know my relationship with D.O sunbae right?

After that incident, we are not close anymore and he keeps avoiding me. He never talks to me and act as if I'm invisible when I'm in front of him. The other sunbae did saw the behaviour change in D.O sunbae and they ask me why but I just told them that it was because I rejected him. I really need to thank him eventhough he is being kind of rude to me but he has help me to keep my secret from the others and even let me continue my studies here. Every time I wanted to explain to him my situation, he would always ignore me or even just walk past me as if I'm thin air. I kind of felt hurt when he does that and I don't know why. The only time I felt this hurt was when I saw Jung Im oppa kissing that Kim Yul Min girl. Am I starting to develop feeling towards another guy other then Jung Im oppa? It could be truth though as this past few months, I have not been thinking about him nor worried on his condition. It's not confirm yet but if I were to really start developing my feelings for other guys, I hope it's not D.O sunbae as it will totally hurt and pains me more knowing that he will forever ignore me. Just when I was thinking deep and strumming my guitar, someone opens the music room door making me startled.

(Baekhyun)"Yumii!! I have a great news to share with you!!" He shouted, just as he entered the music room.

(Yumii)"Really?! What is it?" I ask, feeling curious.

(Baekhyun)"I once told you that me and Channie are making a plan to fool the President of our company right? We already have a plan! The plan goes like this..." He then told me his whole plan that him and Yeollie sunbae had planned.

(Yumii)"So... You're saying that you and Yeye unnie will act like a couple to fool the President? Hem.. It's kind of a great idea but does Yeye unnie agree to it?" I ask and he smiled at me.

(Baekhyun) "Geureom! She told me that cause I was her favourite dongsaeng and she doesn't want me and Channie to be apart, she will help me. But in return...." Hyunnie sunbae stopped half way at his sentence and kind of looked trouble.

(Yumii)"In return what?"

(Baekhyun)"In return... I need to make you Channie's girlfriend.. You need to act it out for at least a month till our President trust that me and Channie had break our relationship.. Is that ok with you?" He ask. I then just gave him a smile before replying back to his question.

(Yumii)"Of course I'll help! You and Yeollie sunbae look so cute together! I wouldn't want you to be apart from one another right?" I said and both of us laugh while giving each other a hug to celebrate our brilliant plan. While we were hugging each other, we didn't realised that there was someone watching us..

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