Melody 17 ~ The Wake Up Call

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(Yumii's POV)

"Ring ring!! Ring ring!!" I was awaken by my phone alarm. It was already 5 in the morning and it's time for me to wake up. I sat up on my bed and my head was throbbing. It was painful and my vision was blurry. It took almost 5 minutes before the pain subsided and then I realised something.' I know that I had fallen asleep while watching movie with D.O sunbae at the living room. So, why am I at my bed? Who carried me here?' I ask myself while making my way to the living room.

When I reach there, the living room was full of people sleeping everywhere that I had a hard time walking to the kitchen. But what's interesting is that most of the sunbaes are sleeping with their mate except for D.O sunbae and Kai sunbae as D.O sunbae is sleeping at the sofa while Kai sunbae is sleeping beside Hunhun sunbae at the corner of the living room. 'Aigoo... Even though they are drunk, they still can find their mate to sleep with..hehe.. They all look so cute sleeping together..' My mind said. When I reach at the kitchen, I took out the ingredients for breakfast. I was thinking of making breakfast for the sunbaes too as they helped me and Eung Gie to move our stuff. So, i began cooking.

While I was cooking, I heard a yawn coming from the living room but I didn't search for the voice as I was busy cooking. Just then, a pair of hands came hugging me at my waist. I was startled as I was washing some plates and suddenly someone came and hug me. 'Thank goodness the plates didn't drop and break.. Aigoo.. If not, it will be a mess..' My heart said to me.

(Yumii)"Sunbae... What are you doing? How come you are already awake? I'm cooking right now.. Can't you see? If you are hungry, wait for awhile alright? It's going to be done in a while.." I said to him while trying to pry off his hands from my waist but I failed. Instead, he pulled me closer to him.

(Sunbae)"Why? Can't I give you a hug? It's just a way to express good morning.. Anyway, it's not like anyone will see this.. Everyone is still sound asleep except for the both of us.. I was awoken from the smell of your breakfast that is made full of love.. Can't wait to taste it!" He whispered in my ear, making me blush tomato red. 'What a flirt! Haizz... What can I even do? Guess I should just play his game..' I thought to myself.

(Yumii)"Ok fine.. I can't argue with you.. Just do what you want.. But if the breakfast taste bad, it's all going to be your fault! And you must make sure to finish it all!" I said with a sullen face and continue to make breakfast.

(Sunbae)"Sure I will! If it smells great, it will surely taste great too! I'm sure of it!" He answered while resting his chin on my shoulder and back hugging me. Just then someone entered the kitchen and he look so shocked that his eyes almost look like D.O sunbae.

(Sehun)" A/a-ya!! Why are you hugging Yumii chan!! She is not your girlfriend! So, move away from her!" Hunhun sunbae shouted while pulling me away from the hug.

(Sunbae)"Nope.. I'm not moving an inch.. I'm going to stay right here while hugging 'MY' Yumii.." He said while smirking and pulling me back.

(Sehun)"Let her go!! And you don't even have the rights to call her yours!! You don't even have feelings for her unlike me!! So, stop hugging Yumii!!" He shouted and that made Kai sunbae shocked at what he said but still not letting me go. He just smirk back at Hunhun sunbae and they fight over me, pulling me side to side. I was getting irritated by their action and soon after that, I was the one getting shocked.

(Yumii)" A/a-ya!! Can you guys stop it!! I'm cooking here!! And you guys just made my bacon burnt!! Now, what would happen to my breakfast!!" I shouted at them while pulling myself away from them. I then rush to the stove to take care of the burnt bacon.

(Kai)"Yumii.. Aren't you surprise at what Sehun just said? It's like he just confess his feelings towards you.. Don't you feel anything?" Kai sunbae ask me while looking at my face and it seems to make Hunhun sunbae realise of what he just did. His cheek turn red and he tried his hardest to put on his usual poker face while looking at me, waiting for my answer.

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