Melody 28 ~ Hidden Secret

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Annyeong everyone!! Thankz for all your votes, followings and making this 9.8K!! I really appreciate it and I dont know why but I think my mind is getting more and more slow.. So I'm sorry if my update takes longer then usual and sorry if my story doesn't interest you guyz.. Anyway, this will be the 3rd last chap before the ending.. Hope you guyz will enjoy it and happy reading!!

(Yumii's POV)

I'm currently in the car right now with So Hyun hyung beside me and I just can't seem to stop my tears from falling. Every time I try to stop, I keep remembering sunbaes faces. They were full of innocent and apologies. Whenever I think of that, it makes me want to cry again. It pains me to know that I've been lying to them but they are not mad nor hating me instead they are apologising to me as they were eavesdropping on my conversation with D.O sunbae, Hyunnie sunbae and So Hyun hyung. It really doesn't makes any sense! Why are they so kind and innocent to me?! It makes me more guilty and pain! Just as I was hating myself, I heard a voice calling out to me.

(So Hyun) "Ailee! Ailee! Hey! Did you here what I just said?!" Hyung called out to me and I snap back to reality.

(Ailee) "Huh? What? What did you say? I'm sorry.. I didn't hear what you said.." I said and look at the floor.

(So Hyun) "It's ok.. I know what you're feeling.. It must have been hard for you to leave those guys right since they are so kind to you.. But it's ok... You can discuss this with his and her highness.. I'm sure they will help you.." Hyung said and that made me worried as I know omma and appa doesn't really listen to other people's decision...

After a few hours, we arrive at the palace and from inside the car, I can see there were more bodyguards situated in the palace then before. Curious, I ask So Hyun hyung.

(Ailee) "Hyung.. Why are there so many bodyguards here? Is some royal family here as well?" I ask.

(So Hyun) "Huh? Oh, you mean those guys.. They are just newly hired.. It's to protect from something like this from happening again.." Hyung answered while emphasising the word 'this'. "Come.. We must meet his and her highness immediately.." He said while opening the door for me and giving out his hand to help me out of the car.

I then nervously walk out of the car and into the palace. I was feeling very nervous and my heart was pumping so fast that I could feel it coming out of my chest. Step by step, I'm coming closer to the living room, where omma and appa is waiting for me. The silence that was surrounding the hallways to the living room was nerve racking and it makes me more and more nervous and scared. I took another step towards the living room and there, at that moment, I saw omma and appa; but I'm not feeling any nervousness now but I felt regret and guilty. My feet seems to freeze at the spot where I was standing and my leg seems heavy. I can't seem to move myself towards them after seeing them in that kind of state.

Omma has a long dark circle under her eyes, her hair was messy and unattended, her eyes seems red from all the crying and her nose is swollen red while appa looks nothing like the dad that I knew, he was weak and sick looking, he seems tired and this is the first time I saw appa with lots of white hairs on his head. Usually, he will always dye his hair to black whenever it turns white but it seems this time he didn't care nor bother to even do it. Just when I was about to turn around and leave before they notice, a voice suddenly called out to me.

"Ailee... My precious daughter, Ailee... Is that you?" Someone spoke out when i was about to walk away from the living room entrance. I then suddenly froze at my steps. That voice.. I knew who it belongs to.. It's been a long time since I hear that voice and I missed it so badly. Without me knowing, my cheek was wet and my eyes was blurry from being filled with my tears welling up. I didn't know what to do and quickly wipe away my tears before both of my parents saw it.

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