Melody 11 ~ Misunderstanding

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(Yumii's POV)

We were having loads of fun at the dance studio. Kai sunbae and Hunhun sunbae are so random and are always fighting over little stuff that made me and Lulu sunbae laugh till we hurt our stomach. We were having so much fun that we didn't realise the lesson is going to end. I only realise it when i picked up my phone to safe their phone numbers.

"Omo! Dance lesson is going to end!" I accidentally shouted it out loudly and all of my sunbae turn and look at me.

"What?! It's ending already?! I have not even finish battling out with you yet...." Kai sunbae pouted.

"It's ok, sunbaenim.. We can battle again at the next lesson.." I said and gave him a smile.

"Why do you seem ok with this? Don't you think that our lesson is too short? We were having so much fun.." Hunhun sunbae suddenly spoke out and look me in the eye. "You also didn't want the lesson to end right? That is why you were shocked when you realised that the lesson is going to end..." He added.

"I... I... I don't know.. but truthfully speaking, I want our lesson to be longer.. At first, I thought that my lesson is going to be a disaster.. but after being with all of you sunbae for only an hour and a half, I then realise it was not bad at all.. You guys were great and funny.. You guys also treat me well and taught me dance routine that were simple and easy to follow... You guys seem so different.." I said to them..

"What do you mean 'you thought it's going to be a disaster'? And why are we seems so different to you?" Lulu sunbae ask me, confused.

"Erm.... Don't you guys know... Rumours about your group..?" I ask and their mind seems blank at my question. " I don't know whether I should tell you guys this but you guys have quite a bad reputation among the professors here.."

"Huh?? What do you mean?" Kai sunbae ask me.

"It means that the professors here at SSA, don't really like you guys.." I told them and they look shock..

"How do you know all of this, Yumii? Are you joking here? If you are, this is a bad joke.. Seriously.." Lulu sunbae further himself from me.

"I'm not joking.. It's true.. Prof So is the one that told me... I mean not literally but how he said it seems like you guys have a bad reputation..." I said and all of them look me straight in the eye.

"What did Prof So said? Tell us honestly alright... We want to know everything..." Hunhun sunbae suddenly became serious. It's the first time I saw him like that. He is usually playful and care-free person but this Hunhun sunbae is not the sunbae that I know a while ago.

"I should go to the dance studio and if you guys are not there, I just need to come back to class... is what he said while giving me a pitiful smile.. Then I ask him why he said that and he said...." I told sunbae the whole story of what Prof So said to me. After I finished, I look at their faces and ask them, "Is it really true.. You know.. On what Prof So said about you guys?? Why is that?? You all are so different then what he had described you guys to be..."

"Ooo.. So that Is what they think about us... Useless brats that only knows themself and no one else..." Hunhun sunbae said with a sullen face. " And I can't believe.... you... you.. believe them.." He added.

"No! That's not true! I don't really believe them... Actually.. I did.. but that is because I did not know you guys were my trainers! I was just asking! I never meant anything! Really!" I told them and closing my eyes real shut, wishing they would believe me. Then I heard someone scoff.

"I can't already! I'm at my limit!" Kai sunbae said and suddenly burst out laughing loudly. Hunhun sunbae also joins in while Lulu sunbae was still restraining his laughter.

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