Melody 8 ~ The Unexpected Result

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It has already been two days since the audition and I nor Eung Gie have received any email regarding the audition. In this two days, it has been chaos and trouble. The news about me running away had spread throughout the entire country and police is searching for me everywhere. Not only the police but So Hyun hyung is also searching for me as he want to know the real reason behind my disappearances. Because this had been anticipated by me, I had leave Eung Gie house right after the audition and is currently staying in a cheap hostel which is quiet and comfortable and is near to where Eung Gie is living.

"Ailee, what are you going to do now... The whole country is finding for you.." Eung Gie ask me on the phone.

"It's ok.. My parents would probably stop searching for me after a month or two... They also can't recognise me now.. I have had the hairdresser to do the best makeover on me..." I said in a relax tone.

(Eung Gie) " Ya...but the police and So Hyun oppa is suspecting that I'm hiding something as I'm the last person you contacted... I also almost told So Hyun oppa about you..."

(Ailee) "What! Why?! You know that if hyung knows about this, my life will practically be ended!!"

(Eung Gie) " I'm sorry! I just can't see oppa sad face.. It makes me feel sad too... You know right, that I like oppa since long ago... I just can't leave this feeling out when I'm talking to oppa, even if we're talking about you.. I feel bad about lying to him, you know..."

(Ailee) "Ok, I get it.. But you must try, ok.. I just can't waste this chance that I have.. You know how bad hyung is at lying, right?? Even if he promise to keep it a secret, my parents would definately find out... He just can't act like himself when he keeps a secret.."

(Eung Gie) "Ok, I'll try.. For your sake, that is.. Anyway, have you heard the latest news about your fiance?? It says that he fainted during his duties as he was worried sick looking for you and had irregular meals.."

" Jin-jja?! He fainted?! Why must he bother to worry about me when he is in that kind of condition?! What makes him think that I would be touched or happy that he is worried about me? I would rather have him healthy and full of ego like he used to.. That would make me more happier then I'm now! Pabo!" I yelled.

(Eung Gie) "A/a-ya!! It hurts my ear!!"

(Ailee) " Bian... I'm just too stress out over him fainting and stuff..."

(Eung Gie) "Oooo, now I see where this is going... Did anything happen during your meeting with him?! Did you suddenly liked him after the meeting or what?! Why are you so consern and thinks about his safety??"

(Ailee) "Fine, I'll tell you all the details.. So, chill alright... Nothing happen on that day.. We just fought abit about the arranged marriage issue. Then I stress out and cry.. He became understanding after that and I like him abit.. That is all ok.. Nothing else.. I bet he feels the same way too..."

"Oooo... I thought you guys hooked up or something... Anyway, have you received any emails about the results?" Eung Gie asked me.

"Nope! They say they will sent it by latest,  today but I still...." Suddenly my phone vibrated. " Can you on hold for a minute? I think I got a message or something.." I said to Eung Gie.

"K! Will wait..." She replied in a cheerful tone..

I check my phone and it state there that I have an email from an anonymous.  Curious, I open the email. To my surprise, it was an email about the audition. I quickly pick up my phone back and said to Eung Gie, " Eung Gie yah,.. I got an email regarding the audition!!"

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