Melody 22 ~ Promises & Believes

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( Yumii's POV )

I was having the most beautiful dream ever. Yeollie sunbae was caring and kind, like how he use to be. In my dream, I was sick and he took care of me with full of love. He was cheerful and made me a porridge to eat. It was as if he became my dream man. Someone who is caring, cheerful, gentle and funny, he has it all but the thing is that I can't forget Jung Im Oppa.. I don't know why but my heart keep reminding me that I cannot love someone else other then Jung Im Oppa.. What should I do now? How am I going to reply to those who had bravely confess their love for me?

I was 'thinking deep' when i was suddenly awaken from the sound of doorbell repeatedly ringing. I try to open up my eyes but it seems heavy. I try to open my eyes again but this time slowly and I succeeded but the thing that confuse me is that I'm in bed and the surrounding of the room is definitely not my room. I look around and suddenly notice someone was holding my hand while his head is resting on the bed. I try to sit up to look who it was but failed. I then notice that I'm not wearing my clothes instead an oversized shirt. I was shocked as I knew the one who had definitely change my clothes is this man beside me. I didn't know what to do and lots of question were running around my head.'What is this man trying to do to me? Is he a pervert? Why am I at his room? Did he do anything to me?' Were some of the question that was running around my head.

Feeling stress out, I suddenly cry a little. When I was about to wipe my tears away, I notice that there is a wet cold towel on my forehead. I then took it off me and suddenly I remembered something. " Yumii.. Let's get you to the nurse office.. You running a fever!" That was the last thing I heard from Yeollie sunbae before everything went pitch black and I can't remember what happen next. I immediately sat up from my bed and look at the guy who is beside me. To my surprise, it really was Yeollie sunbae. It's like what I had expected and without knowing, my eyes became teary and I started to sob.

"Why Yeollie sunbae? Why? I was the one that had promise you to be by your side always but why is it the other way round? How can I even repay your kindness? I bet you're only taking care of me because you think it's your fault that I got a fever right? Please don't blame yourself.. It's not your fault Yeollie sunbae.. I'm really greatful that you took care of me with care and stayed by my side all this while.. I really am.. This time I promise.. I will be with you always and will do anything for you so that you will be yourself again..." I said while caressing his hair before letting my hand go from his tight grip.

I stood up from my bed and made my way to the door. The doorbell is still ringing and I don't want it to disturb Yeollie Sunbae peaceful sleeping. So, I went and open the door forgetting that I only wore an oversized shirt on me. "Yumii! Why are you here? And why are you wearing Channie shirt?!" That was the first thing that person said after I open the door and it had help me realise an embarrassment I have made...

(Baekhyun's POV)

It has been hours since I have been searching for Channie. I search the whole academy but he is no where to be found. The other members also say that Yumii had also gone missing. We wanted to ask Eung Gie where she could be but her class had went on an overseas training camp and will only be back next week. Now the eleven of us is busy finding the both of them. We even went to Yumii's dorm but there were no answer. So, we went to the last place we know Channie could be and that is his room. We had been ringing his doorbell for almost 10 minutes but there were no answer. Just when we were about to leave, the door open but to our surprise, it is not Channie standing there but Yumii. She look pale and sick but what shock us the most is that she is only wearing an oversized shirt on her and that shirt belongs to Channie.

(Beakhyun)"Yumii! Why are you here? And why are you wearing Channie shirt?!" I said and it seems to make Yumii realise what she is wearing. Her face then became tomato red.

(Yumii)"Haha... I'm just hanging with Yeollie sunbae.. That's all.. I use his shirt because I accidently spilled some milk on myself and he lend me his shirt.. Nothing happen.. Really.." She said while brushing the nape of her neck.

(Suho)"Fine.. We will not ask anymore about that but do you know you had missed out lots of lesson today? If you are going to disappear and hang out with Chanyeol, you could at least tell us right.. We were worried sick about you.." Suho hyung said with a stern but worried voice.

(Yumii)"I'm sorry.. Really.. I didn't even realise that I had missed so much lesson.. I promise I will inform you sunbae before I go somewhere.. I'm really sorry for troubling you all.." She said full of sorry and can be seen almost crying. Then Lay hyung suddenly spoke up.

(Lay)"It's ok.. You don't have to feel guilty.. You're actually having a fever right? You're just saying that you are hanging with Chanyeol because you don't want us to worry and because you don't want us to disturb Chanyeol peaceful sleeping.. I'm right, aren't I?" He said and it seems to make Yumii shocked and the rest of us confuse.

(Kai)"Hyung.. What do you mean by...." Before Kai even finishes his sentence, Yumii interrupted.

(Yumii)"How did you know Xixi sunbae? Why do you know alot?" She said and it's the first time seeing Lay hyung smirk.

(Lay)"Come on.. If you're really just hanging with Chanyeol, obviously he will be opening the door as he could be misunderstood by us if you were to open the door... And furthermore if really milk were to spill on you, why are you only wearing an oversized shirt? It couldn't be that the milk had spilled both on your shirt and pants right? And you looking sick makes more sense to my reasons..." Lay hyung said before he went and hug Yumii who is now crying.

(Yumii)"I'm sorry... Really.. I didn't mean to lie.. I just don't want to be a burden to you guys.." Yumii said while sobbing and all of us look at her pitifully while Lay hyung comforting her in his arms.

(Lay)"It's ok.. You're not a burden.. If you're sick, tell us so we know.. You don't need to make excuses or lie to us.. We won't be mad at you or anything.." Lay hyung said while still comforting Yumii. She then stop crying.

(Baekhyun)"Are you ok now? Do you still having a fever? If you are, you should continue your rest. We won't disturb you now after already knowing where you are.." I said to her with a smile and she smile back.

(Yumii)"Thank you sunbae.. I'm really sorry to trouble you guys.. Actually I don't even know whether I'm still having a fever myself..hehe.. But it's all thanks to Yeollie sunbae that my fever had subsided.. I think I'm going to stay here for awhile.. All of you sunbae can go back and rest. It must be tiring finding me and Yeollie sunbae right?" She said and we just smile at her before returning to our private lounge.

When we had reach our lounge, all of us were quiet and there is an awkward atmosphere between all of us. Then, Kris hyung broke the silence.

(Kris)"So.. What should we do now? It totally obvious that what Lay says is right. He definitely is trying to take revenge towards Baekhyun by using Yumii.. Should we tell her or not?" He said looking serious but cool.

(Suho)"I think for now we should watch them closely.. We don't know whether it's true or not and we could hurt Yumii's feelings by telling her the truth.." Suho hyung said with a serious and confident tone.

(Sehun)"Sure but what if he does something to Yumii? What if Yumii will get hurt? We should at least tell Yumii to keep a distance from Chanyeol hyung in the mean time right?" Sehun said full of worried.

(Luhan)"It's ok Sehunnie.. Chanyeol won't hurt her.. Even if he is a little different now, that doesn't mean the old Chanyeol that we know is gone.. There still should be alittle of the happy virus left in him, I'm sure of it.. We just need to believe that he will change to his old self..."

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